Tykhe is often shown sitting with a river god swimming at her feet (the god shown varies) Gallery. The ancient Greeks thought she was the reason for unexpected events in their lives, good and evil. This suggests that the Romans only saw her as a goddess of good luck who blessed mankind with beneficial fortune.If you use any of the content on this page in your own work, please use the code below to cite this page as the source of the content. Tykhe, also known as Tyche, was the Greek goddess of chance, fate and fortune. By Hera, his legal wife, Zeus did not ask anything.

Tykhe (Titaness) goddess of fortune, chance, providence and fate. "The most important festival to Tyche was celebrated at A shining disk of silver bearing a red five-pointed star on its front and a red triangle on its backFortune, luck, fate, misfortune, accidents, accountability, adventurers, explorers, traders, tradeTake your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. It was said that her gaze could inspire males with lust and to make anyone who met her eyes desire to obey her every whim.Tyche enjoyed merriment and festive occasions and people rumored that she usually visited gaming halls, festhalls, noble parties and festivals.Along with all the standard powers and godly senses of a deity of her rank, Tyche could, with a single word, unleash misfortune, accidents, an inability to successfully strike enemies, manic behavior, madness, a berserk rage; or great fortune, the inability to miss one's enemies in battle, elation and strength, and great blessings.Likewise, any attacks directed at her always missed or backfired upon those who attempted them, and events always conspired so as to most favor her actions.Tyche was originally part of the greek pantheon, but somehow she fell on disfavor with the rest of the greek deities, who thought less of her,Over the years, she romanced many deities, including During the Dawn Cataclysm, she became bored of Lathander and cursing him with misfortune, Tyche left him and wandered the world.
Tyche knew to recognize, with speed and accuracy, every kind of cereals in Greece. In later times, she appeared wearing a blindfold and was shown with other assorted items that suggested risk and uncertainty.In Rome, this goddess was known as Fortuna.

(Page of tag Tyche) History. Live it as Tyche means it to be lived! She liked good jokes and was known for occasionally playing practical jokes on the more stern and straight-minded deities.Her voice could be as soothing as a purr or as harsh as a screech, depending on her mood. They were well received among small People that revered Tyche often tried to appeased her by offering something valuable to her through holding it in flames until it was at least partially consumed, calling out her name and praising to her in their knees after that.Her clergy always touched their holy silver disks between as a sign of recognition, often saying words of recognition, that varied if the priests recognized each other. Due to her jealousy, the goddess of stability and family did not even want to see Tyche.

For example, if someone had much success in life without having to try hard, people said that Tyche blessed him at birth. Tyche was born from two Olympians, Hermes and Aphrodite.. The Heroes of Olympus The ancient Greeks thought she was the reason for unexpected events in their lives, good and evil. Because of that, the higher echelons of Tychean priesthood were involved in backstabbing and complots, but the lower ranking priest usually lived calmer lives.While both sexes were equal in the eyes of Tyche, that was not the case among her clergy, and women usually occupied most of the more exalted ranks of the priesthood,Although the church sponsored some adventuring companies, and countless adventuring groups independently dedicated themselves to Tyche's cause, there were two known groups officially affiliated the her faith:The Elders were a revered faction of the Tychean fate, sponsoring expeditions either for trade or explorations, as well attempting to improve the relationships of the Netherese with the other civilizations of Faerûn at the time. An ancient goddess, she was part of both the greek pantheon and the Netherese pantheon. They argued that evidence of Tyche's existence could be seen in a supposed bias in the points of origin for long-period comets. Tyche (/ ˈ t aɪ k i /) is a hypothetical gas giant located in the Solar System's Oort cloud, first proposed in 1999 by astrophysicists John Matese, Patrick Whitman and Daniel Whitmire of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. For example, if someone had much success in life … She knew where every tree grew, when each plant flourished and how to reap the crops.