the link takes you to the permalink page. the link takes you to the permalink page. I'm an indie IF writer and getting any attention is v hard.These are my thoughts on the subject, so I might be onto something or I might be getting it all wrong.Unsurprisingly, they are all HG WIPs (I think there’s a misconception about COG games being more popular than HG games when in reality it’s the other way around) What do all these WIPs have in common?• they are character-driven instead of plot-centered.• they aren’t gender-locked (you can choose your MC’s gender and sexual orientation) • and what is, for me, the most important requirement for a WIP to catch the players’ attention: they all have interesting ROs.Now that we have a general overview of what these WIPs share, I’ll talk about The Passenger and my personal experience.So, what happened?
the link takes you to the permalink page. the link takes you to the permalink page. RO’s from @the-passenger-if‘s game The Passenger. i’ve been wanting to write an interactive fiction for a while now, and i have a lot of ideas and concepts for characters and setting and kind of where i want the story to go.

Jonny squinting at the photo he took, trying to figure out the weird color halo around her.When ur friends say they’ll be there at a certain time then they’re McFreakin LATE makin you wait at the front of ur house like an idiotWhen ur friends say they’ll be there at a certain time then they’re McFreakin LATE makin you wait at the front of ur house like an idiotHey there, gang. Interactive fiction work in progress about an eldritch abomination stuck on Earth *Icon by Plushchimera* *I answer asks on Sundays* *I'm not answering char reactions/prompts because I'm busy with CH10* *Have fun :)* the link takes you to the permalink page. this post is blacklisted because it contains food and is not fully visible on the index page. And depending on your choices they can see Newman as a romantic partner, a friend with benefits, a friend, a sex-buddy, or none of the above.this post is blacklisted because it contains food and is not fully visible on the index page. this post is blacklisted because it contains multiple-words and is not fully visible on the index page. the link takes you to the permalink page. the link takes you to the permalink page. the link takes you to the permalink page. the passenger tp roach tp mc tp newman tp dian tp spoilers comic my art fanart not linking dirrectly to game bc i dont think the hosting site is whitelisted on tumblr also happy chinese new year! )“Did they ever ask you if you and Roach were dating?”“I told him friendship is all there is between Roach and me, and that’s more than enough.” Huffing a laugh, he adds, “Roach’s great, don’t get me wrong, but ${r_they}’@{r_plural re|s} also a lot like those small dogs that can’t stop barking, destroying your stuff, and humping your leg whenever there’s guests around. this post is blacklisted because it contains multiple-words and is not fully visible on the index page. the link takes you to the permalink page.

this post is blacklisted because it contains multiple-words and is not fully visible on the index page. The little mermaid can be told in a dozen ways as each writer would likely write it different than the other. Guess who wrote 6k words (lots of angsty dialogue so I’m over here, swimming in angst and I love it)I also managed to finish plotting CH10 and now it looks like this:You know, I had to go back to CH8 to check something and I found myself re-reading some of it for a while xD It’s attention grabbing, guys. the link takes you to the permalink page.this post is blacklisted because it contains nsfw and is not fully visible on the index page. I’m trying to make both interesting so it doesn’t feel like only one route is the one true ending.I’m glad my game helps you through the pain, and thanks for the kind words :)in order, roughest to most sweet and tender sex preferences for the ros. this post is blacklisted because it contains food and is not fully visible on the index page. I love Jonny so much. TWC and FH were less popular than they are today so who’s to say yours isn’t like those too.There has to be a reason why you started to write your story. the link takes you to the permalink page. this post is blacklisted because it contains multiple-words and is not fully visible on the index page. this post is blacklisted because it contains food and is not fully visible on the index page. the link takes you to the permalink page. this post is blacklisted because it contains food and is not fully visible on the index page. the link takes you to the permalink page. this post is blacklisted because it contains food and is not fully visible on the index page. this post is blacklisted because it contains food and is not fully visible on the index page. the link takes you to the permalink page. This week I wrote another 8k words, and after 2 weeks I can say I’m finally working on a different plot point.Today I ran the game through randomtest and fixed a bunch of paths that were all tangled up because I messed up the *labels and *gotos n_n" I think I got them all. this post is blacklisted because it contains multiple-words and is not fully visible on the index page. If you like the first book you will want to know what happens next.What does TP have to do with any of this? like, for example.... teasing him about him not being comfy to cuddle with since he’s so skinny? You look at that scene in the face and tell it to go fuck itself. this post is blacklisted because it contains food and is not fully visible on the index page. {r_they} would drive me insane.”Fun fact about myself: I almost threw up while reading Stephen King’s Misery. the link takes you to the permalink page.this post is blacklisted because it contains nsfw and is not fully visible on the index page. the link takes you to the permalink page. It just has the perfect amount of dark themes and romance!! (not to intentionally be mean, just because they’re an oblivious idiot). the link takes you to the permalink page.this post is blacklisted because it contains nsfw and is not fully visible on the index page.