What all of these gods held in common was a violent temperament and a penchant for inspiring fear. Mordenkainen's Fiendish Folio Vol.

You can dump strength if you are focusing on spell casting.Dexterity is always useful is a bad idea for a dump stat. Cleric: Tempest Domain Gods whose portfolios include the Tempest domain – including Talos, Umberlee, Kord, Zeboim, the Devourer, Zeus, and Thor – govern storms, sea, and, sky. In our Cleric 5E guide, we take a look at the full list of gods in the Forgotten Realms and provide suggestions for every domain. At level two, every cleric has two of these effects. I feel like I did something wrong creating him or maybe I'm playing him incorrectly. A cleric was a divine servant of one or more gods, serving them with martial might and divine magic fueled by their own strength of faith. For this reason, we are focusing on the gods of the Forgotten Realms. Game Rules If you are a Nature Cleric, multiclassing into a druid is not worth it.By taking a level of Druid, you give up the Level 20 ability of Divine Intervention succeeding without a role.

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One of the highlights is also the additional expertise and skills that are available.That wraps up our 5E Cleric Guide. My DM is a big Norse nerd too so she'll drop little things in for her to geek out over.I had a guy in a campaign I was in worship a long forgotten storm god- he was a hermit who found the statue of an old god, face long since faded away with time, and he came to be the sole worshipper of itMy current tempest cleric doesn't worship a single diety, they worship all of them. Rise of Tiamat In sea-based campaigns, your power is substantial. View/set parent page (used for creating breadcrumbs and structured layout). ©2020 D&D Beyond | All Rights Reserved | Powered by Fandom Games However, there are certain cleric builds like a Trickery Cleric that could serve as a strong face of your party. Classes Here are some things to consider.In 5E, your character is not tied to the alignment of their chosen deity. The PHB entry for the Tempest Domain mentioned only Evil gods fro the FR pantheon. Todd Talks While the spells that come with the varying domains differ significantly, all clerics use Wisdom as their spellcasting ability. That said, there are a few options worth considering if you feel strongly about it. My Homebrew Creations

Perhaps the best known — and most infamous — cleric on Toril was Fzoul Chembryl bef… (Inflict wounds seems to do really well.) Sleeping Dragon's Wake

The Tortle Package

7th-Level: Control Water has a lot of interesting …

Your weapon damage is decent, though not spectacular. This domain has abilities/spells that work together to devastating effect. Heat in battle and Illumination when it is needed are common threads in the available spells. The end result is a mix of offensive and healing abilities. Medicine isn’t usually worth much, but insight is valuable. This means you are free to pursue the alignment of your choice while dedicated to any alignment. Sorcerer Spells Collections If the creature fails the saving throw it is instantly destroyed depending on its challenge rating.At Level 10, a cleric can ask for direct intervention from their deity. Your job is to be a front line healer.

Quarantine Resources This fits thematically, given that the Death Domain is about the end of life. Domain Spells. Twitch Artificer

Additional languages is also a nice touch for a class that does not get extras.Insight and perception proficiencies are perfect, and you get to add a language as well. This gives you the possibility of casting two spells in a turn.

It cannot willingly come within 30 feet of the cleric.

During play, I want to get near the front with the Monk, start off with a Shatter, then a thunderwave until teamates are in the way, then use Silver Longsword +1.My main questions are the following: -What tips do you have for playing a Tempest, first of all? This domain has the potential to not only build the best healer in the game, but also provides a sturdy defense as well thanks the proficiencies for heavy armor.There are clear themes for the Light Domain.

Did we miss anything? Kep in mind, a cleric may only cast cleric spells as rituals. 21 in the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide). Indra.Feng Lung. Every aspect of this subclass from domain spells to features is a perfect thematic fit. In addition, our mage has a staff of defense with 4 casts of mage armor and shield per day and it also passively gives him +1 AC.

That said, the rest of your ability stats will vary notably depending on your domain and character’s focus.Heavy armor clerics will likely want to rank strength third behind constitution as well as wisdom. This is a fun option if you just want to deal damage.The Forge Cleric is my favorite Domain. Some of them specifically list Tempest as one of their suggested domains, but if they don't list Tempest but they do list something like Nature or even War, they might work too.

Player App Hit points are vital for every cleric, though.Probably the most common dump stat.

No aspersions cast here but you guys did not use the point buy method or the standard spread. A Cleric's job is to mitigate damage. Dev Updates

The best thing about this background is proficiency with herbalism kits, which let you make potions.Outlander can work, especially if you are a frontline combat type of cleric. Eadro, merfolk deity of the sea Neutral Nature, Tempest Spiral design.