In competitive edh gebruiken ze deze kaart volgens mij juist ook om hun deck leeg te halen en dat als win con te gebruiken.

€ 166,48. You may put that card into your hand unless it has the same name as another card exiled this way.

It obviously changes how you Pact, and you might have to stop and take the a Brainstorm instead of continuing to dig. Bijvoorbeeld met Wel het nadeel dat je dan al snel gedwongen wordt om een basic land in je hand te stoppen omdat je bij de volgende met dezelfde naam helemaal niets krijgt.

Laboratory Maniac.

Met twee kleuren is dat best te doen en vanaf een drie kleuren deck is dat al helemaal niet zo lastig meer.

Strong card no arguing on that, but four mana in field full of Wastelands and deck having no acceleration sounds just too steep. For example, This could also include effects that are more powerful in a singleton environment, Considering these effects, what are your picks for the most abusive EDH cards, cards that are made specifically not for EDH, yet when introduced become more powerful exponentially in the new environment?Change one of each basic to snow covered and you can run wouldn't having discard cards that affect everyone be better then ones that target one opponent? My first question, though, is would it be worth the risk to run 4 Brainstorm? 1 (

Man, I love Tainted Pact, one of the great build-around-me cards.

Today edh commander. Preis: 33.95 Euro (für Mitglieder: 30.56 Euro) In den Warenkorb: Preise inkl. Infinite mill Win at spot.

) 81 Repeat this process until you put a card into your hand or you exile two cards with the same name, whichever comes first. You may put that card into your hand unless it has the same name as another card exiled this way. I actually love this idea.
Why not run it?

Combo wählen: Stimmen: 8: Braids, Cabal Minion - Grave Pact Wenn Du Braids im Spiel hast, muss jeder Spieler in seiner Versorgungsphase ein Artefakt, Land oder eine Kreatur opfern. The combo with Thassa’s Oracle has made a splash in the Pioneer format but we’re here for Commander where we don’t have the 4 of redundancy.

(61 cards, 61 distinct) - Imperial Seal, Mox Diamond, Lion's Eye Diamond, Mana Crypt, Vampiric Tutor, Chrome Mox, Tainted Pact Kahno's Ghost Council Combo - Deckbox Home

You may put that card into your hand unless it has the same name as another card exiled this way.

Printings. Great card, though it could lose some power if I start running multiple Swamps. In een deck zonder basic land (of nou ja, met maximaal 1 stuk van elke

2 I would first add better ramp, better draw, potential Stax, tutors and then other win cons.Rocks that produce at least three mana total

Serra Ascendant: If played early, it can be a monstrous blocking and life-gaining machine.

Ad Nauseam (draw whole deck, can Windfall and make everyone die while AG means you can't lose.

For those interested in optimizing the deck, it seems like Force of Will should be included, especially for post-board situations where you bring in more blue cards, and Jace, the Mind Sculptor is too good to eschew. Odyssey Rarity, #: R, 164 Card Type: Instant Description: Remove the top card of your library from the game.

Commander Combo Tainted Pact +Thassa's Oracle . The instant options are Demonic Consultation or Tainted Pact to just empty your deck in response to Thassa’s Oracles enter the battlefield effect. We’ve gone through the Mesmeric Orb and Basalt Monolith combo but we have some other ways to completely deck yourself for Thassa’s Oracle. € 17,39. This kind of deck is a prime example of why Legacy is the best format.

If have pristine Talisman gain infinite life, which is infinite draw with commanderThanks for the comments. gesetzl. Repeat this process until you put a card into your hand or you remove two cards with the same name, whichever comes first.