I know I’m really bad with my wording so please correct me if I’m phrasing anything wrong!Anyway, when I turned off my bedside lamp I noticed the salt lamp was only changing into two colors, red and pink. Aphrodite Signs? She enjoys human affairs.As far as I understand the Hellenistic or Roman deities, they all want your attention and devotion.

If you want to make it especially Aphrodite-centric you can put pieces of rose quartz around the edge of the tub (or in it). Do you like Aphrodite? Pythagoras observed that the planet (that they got to call Aprhodite, and the Romans called Venus) makes a perfect pentacle around earth, which is probably the reason they chose to give her Aphrodite's name.Ιf you want to work with Aphrodite, you should do your best and try to find a translation to the orphic hymns towards her, Now, Venus is not Aphrodite. They appreciate your reverence! The following couple of days I had dreams where a silent, unassuming girl that I had never met before was either giving me directions at school before departing or appeared next to me on a long drive once again, silently (looking somewhat apprehensively at me). The more you enter, and the more you place inside the circle with their permission, the more it influences you and the world around you.Aphrodite Pandemos is generally extremely welcoming. Make an altar for her. These are not finicky Goetic demons, they are deities.

Add rose petals to your bath or rose-scented bath bombs. If you want to work with Aphrodite, instead of Venus, you should find a statue of her (small, big, doesn't matter), and read the mythology around her. I meditated and tried to contact Aphrodite, and I’m not sure if I did or not. She was said to be one of the most beautiful goddesses and many Olympian gods wanted to claim her. It has never done that before, and I’m thinking maybe it’s a sign? I second the use of the Orphic Hymns, pour her a libation, flatter her a lot. She was making a big drawing of a Venus statue (Venus d'milo?). I tried reaching out to Aphrodite a few days ago and asked if she'd present herself to me either by synchronicities/ signs, dreams, etc.The following couple of days I had dreams where a silent, unassuming girl that I had never met before was either giving me directions at school before departing or appeared next to me on a long drive once again, silently (looking somewhat apprehensively at me).Last night however I remember my dream centered around an old classmate of mine. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts Venus is a later hybrid entity that the Romans used to replace Aphrodite. It's you who are attuning yourself more and more to Venus' energies.Why not? There's a reason the Renaissance astrologers recommend them.People really complicate working with the gods around here! It is not surprising that many of our ikons representing love, passion, and romance are derived from the ancient goddess symbols of the goddess Aphrodite. Maybe perform some quiet ritual or devotional in her honor specifically honoring some myth or facet of her, and respectfully and humbly say hello. Think of them as a sphere of influence. Hello! I decided to try this stuff out, and with the help of the internet I made a small shrine to Aphrodite and made a circle and did what the internet said to do.I meditated and tried to contact Aphrodite, and I’m not sure if I did or not.I have a salt lamp that changes colors (blue, green, pink, red, ect) and I turned that on because I thought maybe she’d like it. Blessed be.A community for newbies and beginners of witchcraft, wicca, and the metaphysical. I decided to try this stuff out, and with the help of the internet I made a small shrine to Aphrodite and made a circle and did what the internet said to do. Especially Aphrodite. Red and pink are associated with love but it has been said that Green is her main colour. They're powerful shit. She does have Aphroditian elements, but she is not the original entity. Feel free to post your pinterest art & spells, your tiny alters, and ask all questions your heart desires!Press J to jump to the feed. You wouldnt believe!Yeah it does reveal that you would like to work with Aphrodite!New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castThe Occult: News for armchair and practicing metaphysical skeptics.Press J to jump to the feed. When I was meditating, I thought maybe if I had a sign that it was working I’d continue trying and getting into the whole thing of being a witch. If you want her to help you somewhere, devote it to her, and keep offering offerings to please her, and thank her for her influence on the matter. If you read through the Greek mythology you will learn she was actually a goddess of sexual desire and female power. Aphrodite best known as the Greek goddess of love was among one of the twelve gods who resided on the Mount Olympus. I watched it for a while and it never cycled to the other colors. The Titanic birth means she probably pre-existed in some form, before the twelve gods, so we are talking about a pretty ancient entity. Yesterday I was doing a lot of research about having a deity and basically everything like that. I think she was letting you know in some way that She heard you. If you do like her, try it out. Get a fancy lotion and slather it on yourself while thinking loving thoughts about your body. If not, don't worship her.

Baby witches, welcome home! Take a sacred bath. Use the orphic hymns.

See what she liked in her mythos and offer it to her.Ancient Greek Gods are always there, and the way to work with them is a bit different than other gods.

In the dream I recall realizing that this classmate's sun sign is Venus-ruled (Taurus) and that I have always had a lot of Venus-ruled people in my life (mainly libras).Does this reveal if Aphrodite would like to work with me/ if VENUS would like to work with me? She is the child of Uranus, a Titan, conceived without intercourse.