"Umm, what the Gryphons and Gargoyles is going on here?

Until then, it looks like we'll just have to come up with our own theories.If you're just as confused/stressed/hella uncomfy as I am,
Jason was very protective of Cheryl.

He shared a dark photo of Cheryl holding a creepy doll, captioned "Hereditary. In tears, she held onto Jason's coffin and apologized for failing to do so before being escorted to her seat by Veronica. Its creepy first because Jason is dead so seeing him alive kind of feels like you are talking to the dead. Reporting on what you care about.

Cheryl then told her parents that she had flushed the ring down the toilet so that there would be no proof should anyone ask questions, but secretly she kept it.In the midst of Betty's search for the Sugar Man, Cheryl is asked of the Sugar Man, off of a lead from the Black Hood, who said that Clifford Blossom received supplies from the Sugar Man. That car is a 1961 Chevrolet Impala convertible and those passengers are twins Jason and Cheryl Blossom. But also everything about Jason and Cheryl seems to hint, and hint pretty strongly that the two were lovers.

10 Cheryl Taking Jason's Body Spoiler alert: This post contains info from Riverdale Season 4, Episode 3, “Dog Day Afternoon. At the podium, she began by explaining that when she put her white dress on, it made her feel connected to Jason as if he were there in the room with her. The next day at school, the results of Jason's autopsy came back and revealed that he had, in fact, not died on July 4th, but instead a week later on July 11th. Later, she questioned her mother's explanation of how the ring came to be there. ?But most importantly, what exactly does Cheryl think is gonna happen here?!?!??!?! Daisy Blossom is the cousin of Cheryl and Jason Blossom.

This discovery leads Bedford to threaten Cheryl and attempts to strangle her, but he is killed by During the very cold night of the ice storm, Jason is transported in his wheelchair by To continue the healing process, Cheryl decides it is time to say goodbye to her brother.

Riverdale included a lot of new material into its fourth season.

Jason Blossom having an extremely busy afterlife on this show.

Cheryl and Toni planned to … Evil runs in the family."
As for Cheryl, you know, the character of Cheryl, in a way, will always be defined by the loss of her brother and the absence in her life she felt after that. Ironically, despite his leading position on the As Jason was killed prior to the start of the series, not much information about his personality was known at first. !What'll happen to Choni after Toni finds out about the body?!?!?! But ever since Cheryl brought home Jason's body at the end of Season 3, you'll notice that Jason Blossom is still very much dead, but I have some questions. Amongst the season, some characters were given a backseat, and individual storylines were placed on the back burner or ignored shortly after their introduction. By Alex Zalben @ azalben Dec 5, 2019 at 12:00pm 153 Shares. The tweet also revealed this mystery will be explored in Episode 8 of the new season, so fans will have to wait a while to understand this strange image.Thankfully, there are some theories that try to make sense of this photo.

The first season of Riverdale premiered on The CW on January 26, 2017 and concluded on May 11, 2017 with a total of 13 episodes. Just a reminder Cheryl kept Jason's corpse and talks to it. He was captain of the school water polo team and a member of the Riverdale Bulldogs. Cheryl was later found by The following Monday, Cheryl and her parents viewed Jason's body in the morgue prior to his autopsy. So hopefully we'll get some straight answers soon. He is portrayed by Trevor Stines.