In September, home prices posted the smallest increase in six years, according to the latest data collected from Redfin.. The median list price per square foot in 98144 is $488, which is lower than the Seattle …

“Over the past two months, Redfin’s online visits and customer inquiries have been growing at a faster rate than at any point in the last three years. Based on Redfin's Seattle data, we estimate the home's value is $548,405, which is 0.3% less than its current list price. Days later, Seattle-based Zillow estimated the value of that house at $1.75 million. If an extreme example of an errant “zestimate,” the PR debacle points to a curiosity. We’re inside a tornado, hiring agents, lenders and closing specialists at breakneck speed to keep up with demand, but also mindful that the bottom of the economy could fall out a second time.”However, shares were down more than 4% in after-hours trading. Let us know.Like what you're reading? According to Redfin, median prices declined year-over-year in Seattle (a 1.7% drop), New Orleans and Dallas (both experiencing a decrease of 1%), in addition to three other metros. Let us know.Like what you're reading? 1) Seattle Home Prices Will Drop. Redfin reports that the average selling price of Seattle houses for sale is $675,000; meaning Seattle house prices are down 0.44 percent from last year. Nearby schools include Bryn Mawr Elementary School, Lakeridge Elementary School and Dimmitt Middle School. Subscribe to GeekWire's free newsletters to catch every headlineSupport independent journalism at a time when trusted storytelling and community engagement is more important than ever.Microsoft debuts new ‘Halo,’ ‘Fable,’ and more console exclusives for the Xbox Series XRelive the GeekWire Awards, recognizing the best in Seattle and Pacific Northwest techMicrosoft debuts new ‘Halo,’ ‘Fable,’ and more console exclusives for the Xbox Series XRelive the GeekWire Awards, recognizing the best in Seattle and Pacific Northwest tech Redfin provides home value estimates for more than 74.4 million homes (1.3 million are on-the-market properties, and 73.1 million are off-the-market). The top destination for Seattle users was Los Angeles, Calif., while the top destination for San Francisco and Denver users was Seattle.The median sale price for a Seattle metro area home in June was $615,000.Redfin noted that some homebuyers are moving to vacation spots such as Palm Springs permanently as companies implement work-from-home policies amid the pandemic.Redfin pulled data from users who viewed at least 10 homes in a metro area, with those homes making up at least 80% of the user’s searches.Data from shows 18 of the top 50 U.S. real estate metros returning to or passing pre-pandemic levels of market activity, Subscribe to GeekWire's free newsletters to catch every headlineHave a scoop that you'd like GeekWire to cover? “Add in employers’ increasingly flexible remote work policies and the fact residents of many big coastal cities can’t fully enjoy their local amenities, and the people who have long wanted to live in a more affordable area or closer to family are incentivized to make the move soon.”The portion of Seattle-based users searching elsewhere rose from 11.2% to 13.7% in the second quarter, the second-largest jump of the top 10 metros ranked by net outflow of users.

SEATTLE, April 15, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- (NASDAQ: RDFN) —Spring started more than three weeks ago, but this week felt more like a new beginning. Seattle-based brokerage Redfin, citing market uncertainty, announced Wednesday in an SEC filing that its home-flipping division would temporarily stop buying new homes. Accuracy matters because many buyers and sellers use their information to price their homes or make purchase offers. It also expanded its Direct Access program that lets buyers to self-tour vacant homes listed by Redfin agents.Redfin had 3,377 total employees as of Dec. 31, and employed more than 1,500 lead agents.Subscribe to GeekWire's free newsletters to catch every headlineHave a scoop that you'd like GeekWire to cover?