Which is fine when you burn your opponent out in the next few turns, but less so in more conventional control decks. Too situational and a dead card in hand in many games.

Psychic Scream is a 7 Mana Cost Epic Priest Spell card from the Kobolds and Catacombs set! It's disgusting seeing a Priest hang on at 1-5 health and just play Physic Scream in order to win. On top of that you can discover an extra copy with Shadow visions. On the positive side, it doesn't trigger any Deathrattle effects and is very effective against Note: Since it also shuffles YOUR minions into the enemy's deck, it is best played when you have no minions, or at the very least, a few low-value minions or synergy-dependent cards, on your side of the board. Head on over to our Join the discussion on our forums! Well after a month of its release this op/meme card hasn't seen any legend rank love. Not to mention they can put their own minions in your deck that don't help you. Psychic Scream is a spell for the priest class. Almost as much as the design of mech c'thun...This is even better than Twisting Nether. Big priest fairs well with the card, but with barnes rotating you may see less of that too (hopefully). It was introduced in the Kobolds & Catacombs expansion for Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft. Sure, it can save your day from time to time but I still think other AoE spells are more consistent and reliable in the long run. This card is an extremely powerful board clear, and while it supposedly has a downside, it's more often than not actually an upside. Cant wait to see this s..t card gone.This is why they voted to ban memes in the EU it all makes sense now...I'm curious to see how long Blizzard will kite priest with situational board wipes until they release an actual AOE spell ala Lightbomb or Dragon Fire Potion.I think that this card really shines when Priest has some sweepers to play alongside it, but as of right now, it's not as powerful as it could be.I'm not denying that it's powerful and it's effect can be devastating, it's just not really an efficient sweeper right now for Priest in the current meta game.Whenever I play Spell Hunter and face off against a Priest, I always dread this card. It can be used to disrupt effects that are dependent on deck composition, such as This card should find its place in any Priest deck that needs a board clear, except possibly decks that are focused on fatiguing out the opponent. The fear this card instilled has yet to come to light (or spread it's darkness).Again community hype vs current meta shows that you can't always predict how a single card will effect the game. Card Text. No wonder people only play otk or aggro decks. Flavor Text Everybody! Not to say Priest would be playing a deck like that currently but if they were, they would just have Archbishop Bendictus to add your deck into theirs.Cards like this just shouldn't exist - you shouldn't be able to wipe a full board of large minions with one card.That goes for Shadowreaper Anduin and Lightbomb as well.The fact it also removes deathrattle minions , and shuffles stuff into your deck (wich gives you more bad topdecks ) while the Priest can set up for their otk, is just so ridiculous. Shuffle all minions into your opponent's deck. But I myself am working on a meme deck for it, just need a little more dust and a bit of luck.you know you are talking about one of the best Aoe in the game and it is played in almost every raza priest deck?You mean RIP Raza. But as a control card, especially against aggro and control decks that rely on many weak minions or deathrattle minions respectively, Psychic Scream is OP.