There is no requirement for a permit to introduce pigeons to Queensland.In assuming responsibility for protecting their pigeons, keepers should consider implementing biosecurity measures and vaccination for their birds.Owners of birds, including commercial poultry owners and backyard enthusiasts, should minimise the risk of introducing disease by implementing good biosecurity measures, including preventing contact with other racing, fancy and wild pigeons.Pigeon shows, exhibitions and races should consider specifying minimum health requirements for entry to events based on vaccination status and freedom from signs of disease.Simple biosecurity measures to help prevent disease occurring are outlined on the Australian Government's Owners of commercial flocks should ensure they practice While there is currently no registered vaccine for use in pigeons in Australia, there are Pigeon owners are urged to contact their private veterinarian about vaccination options.Human infection with this virus is extremely rare and usually occurs only in people who have close, direct contact with infected birds. Topics:

Avian paramyxovirus is not bird flu. APMV-1 is one of twelve avian paramyxoviruses (AMPV) recognised to date. Clinical signs include watery droppings, polydypsia and neurologic signs in a high proportion of Sick birds can die within three days.If you see unusual signs in pigeons or other birds, or a number die within a short time, you should immediately seek veterinary advice and report the incident to Biosecurity Queensland on 13 25 23 (business hours) or the Emergency Animal Disease Watch hotline (after hours) on 1800 675 888.Typically, the spread of avian paramyxovirus between lofts has been from the movement of birds.Avian paramyxovirus is transmitted most often by direct contact with diseased or carrier birds.

Pigeon flyers around the world have all heard of paramyxovirus or PMV. SUMMARY Since 1981 a highly contagious viral disease causing highmorbidity and low mortality in racing pigeons has spread over Europe.

PMV is caused by one of the serotypes of PMV1 viruses which happens to be closely related to another PMV1 virus that causes Newcasle …

The infection spreads very easily between birds and there is no specific remedy.

Visibly impacted birds should be excluded from emergency vaccination and quickly removed from the loft, by shedding the virus they place the remainder of the birds at is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to and, we participate in various other affiliate programs and sometimes get a commission through purchases made through our links.This website does not intend to provide veterinary advice.
The virus causes only mild, short-term conjunctivitis.© The State of Queensland (Department of Agriculture and Fisheries) 2010–2020. Paramyxovirus strains are generally capable of affecting other avian species including poultry.


Paramyxovirus in pigeons is very serious and has been known to wipe-out entire lofts.

It probably originated in the Middle East but has spread to Europe, the USA and Australia, where it has the potential to infect and kill native bird species. The virus belongs to the avian paramyxovirus sero group I. If you suspect APMV1, contact Biosecurity Queensland immediately.Call us on 13 25 23 or the Emergency Disease Watch Hotline 1800 675 888Avian paramyxovirus has been detected in captive and wild pigeons in Paramyxovirus strains are generally capable of affecting other avian species including poultry.Strains of the paramyxovirus in pigeons are present in most countries outside Australia.In Australia, avian paramyxovirus has been confirmed in racing, fancy and feral pigeons in Victoria and New South Wales.The virus is now considered to have become established in Australia, and spread into and within Queensland is inevitable.Affected pigeon flocks have experienced high mortality associated with lethargy, gastrointestinal signs (vomiting and diarrhoea) and neurological signs (circling, head flicking, twisted necks). Avian Paramyxovirus can survive for numerous weeks in the atmosphere, particularly in cooler climates.If infection is suspected in the loft, emergency vaccination can be carried out in all pigeons that seem healthy in attempt to stop the virus spreading any further.