Worse, leader Aung San Suu Kyi (whom many people once regarded as a hero) has been complicit in these war crimes, which everyone on the planet except here have acknowledged are ethnic cleansing.I’ll be honest: A big part of the reason I haven’t yet planned a follow up 2 weeks in Myanmar trip is due to this sensitive political issue (and the apolitical, deeply human aspects of it as well). I loved Myanmar and it brought back some amazing memories, especially of Bagan, although I didn’t manage to get up in a balloon, that looked awesome. So as a gesture to you fellow travellers I have put together this 3-week itinerary of my time in one of the most spectacular countries on earth.
If you had 4-8 weeks you could add in 2 weeks in Thailand 1 week in Cambodia (Siem Reap) and 2 weeks in Philippines or Vietnam. Myanmar?
Photo: Mark OrdWhile Bagan has a tonne of temples to choose from, they're largely broken into four broad areas (With arriving early on the first day, you theoretically get two dawns, two sunsets, two mornings and two afternoons before you'll need to grab that late night bus to Mandalay. Next stop is the village of Zee O where the villagers tend to a 16-hectare sacred forest including a threatened tree species called the Ingyinn.Then it’s back to the hotel to rest and be ready for the night bus to Mandalay.You’ll be arriving in the town of Mandalay in the early morning. My favourite company to buy insurance is The major destinations in Myanmar that you have to visit are:Looking at a map, this forms a rough triangle for your Myanmar itinerary route. Be wary of trying to cover too much ground - the going in Indonesia can be slow.North or south or both?
The nearest airport is in Heho, 45 minutes away. I would love to see the hot air ballons! It looks so beautiful and peaceful there. We took money out in the Mandalay airport when we first arrived and again in Bagan & Inle Lake. The Our favourite area for wandering is Chinatown, where the city's grid-like layout makes for easy walking and the dilapidated buildings easy photography.
Travel blog, travel information, travel advice, travel inspirationI first traveled to Myanmar in late 2010, a year or so before the country began enthusiastically rolling out its welcome mat to foreigners.
You maybe be able to exchange Euros in some places, but Dollars are generally better. The power of pictures.Glad to hear we sold you with our pictures.
Where will you be flying into Mandalay or Yangon?Did you go before the 2016 earthquake in bagan?
Our Myanmar 3 week itinerary.
Otherwise, a number of local airlines such as Air Bagan, Air KBZ and Myanma allow you to get most anywhere in the country within hours. Your first stop on this Myanmar backpacking itinerary is at Kandawgyi Lake, also called the Royal Lake. stopping in temple-filled Bagan en route. It really was an unforgettable experience.I haven’t been to Myanmar but lately I have been thinking about visiting it some day. Most tourists overlook Mandalay as they don’t realize there are tons of We hired a private driver for the day who drove us around for 12 hours for 55,000 kyat that way we could make up our own Mandalay tour and go at our pace. The most popular option would be to visit Other places to see in Myanmar, 2 weeks or more into your trip, include Regardless of where you plan to go during your Myanmar itinerary, the amount of time you spend here is of the essence.
Myanmar isn’t cheap I would but it as one of the most expensive places in Southeast Asia for sure BUT it should still be on your bucket list.Seeing the temples in Bagan is definitely something that’s been on my bucket list for a little while now.
And then head to Golden Palace or Schwenandaw Kyaung, where you will stand in awe of the Buddhist myths depicted in gorgeous teak carvings.There are many great tours to see all of Mandalay has to offer. I clicked in for the amazing title picture. Those balloons over the temples. Destination . Overnight bus to Bagan. Admittedly, it’s not world-class but I was actually quite surprised.Go cowboy style for dinner and just have a roadside meal at one of the barbecue stalls situated nearby the Though Inle Lake attracts a growing percentage of the travellers in the country, it's still not too crowded and commercialised and taking the novelty of visiting a place for the first time.Have your boat guide lead you to the middle of the lake where fishermen are practicing their trade. It contains all the places we want to visit in Myanmar.I am planning for a Myanmar trip. Our Myanmar itinerary starts in Yangon, the country’s former capital and main economic hub city.
You can further accent your 2 weeks in Myanmar (or longer) with stops in secondary and tertiary Myanmar destinations, from the idyllic Merugi Archipelago, to vast Inle Lake. You’re unlikely to spend more than $50 per night for three-star, private lodging in Yangon, Mandalay or Bagan, with costs much lower in rural areas. This is the Nga Hpe Kyuang or better remembered as the Then it’s back to Nyaung Shwe and to the last stop of the day, Maing Tauk. Hopefully you get there in 2017.Oh my goodness!
I crossed over the border from northern Thailand many years ago and it was certainly a different world. Rustic transport options, such as the boat between Mandalay and Bagan, are more pleasurable than they are practical, and are only advisable if your Myanmar itinerary will last long enough to have some flexibility.From Yangon, take an overnight train, bus or plane northward to Mandalay is also orbited by a trio of extremely charming small towns: Mandalay offers a bit more in the way of attractions than Yangon, so I should probably mention at this point in the itinerary that Mandalay was unfortunately as far as I got during my trip to Myanmar—on my first trip anyway. Make sure to check out our complete One of the best to see the lake is from a hot air balloon. Lorraine.Thanks for the great information Hannah! Our driver had a list of places to bring us but we often told him no to places as we weren’t looking to buy any souvenirs.