I couldn’t stop laughing long enough to explain what the heck I was looking at. So now you just peak in to check the skin for doneness, and that doesn’t happen in a half hour under correct coal conditions.My hogs take an hour per 7 pounds, although La Caja tells you an hour per 10 pounds. I’m surprised the umbrella didn’t go up in flames.Have a plan if you are expecting rain – in a cleared garage – keep your garage door open is fine.Carefully dump the 16 pounds of charcoal on top of the metal tray + metal rack.So, at this point, I was in the house, getting other stuff ready for the party.

This gives me confidence.Just received my La Caja China this week can’t wait to try it out this was such a great way to see how it’s done thank youI just bought my lacaja china cooker! CAUTION: The coal pan and the pig are both very hot. freaking amazing. Wow it looks amazing, I love Mojo Criollo marinade! When we do an event like this, we just have a caja china delivered to the location and let the people keep it. At the five-hour mark I uncovered the lid, and using thick rubber gloves (the kind used for frying turkeys), I flipped the rack to have the skin side facing up. Our neighbors across the street have a big smoker roaster, but this look perfect for the average Joe to use. Set your alarm clocks accordingly. Note this brine is great for chicken and turkey also. However, before you light the coals, you’ll need to place a few things in the roaster so it’s ready to handle a whole pig.Place the aluminum pans inside the roaster (I used six 12″ x 10″ pans) to cover most of the bottom. ?Fantastic, Jaden. La Caja China "New Products" Roasting Instructions.

That first time I followed the recipe from the Caja China company exactly. My order is in the mail. We have wild boar problems here in our end of FL and for some reason he thinks we should catch one of the boars and have a pig roast.wow. Wouldn’t that make the pig/skin soggy ? This was our second time using the box and we had much better results. A whole pig! for Memorial Day !

).Jim normally delivers pigs around 250lbs, but since I was only feeding about 30 people and wanted to roast it in La Caja China (more on that later), we needed a 100lb live weight pig, which meant about 85lbs dressed.Palmetto Creek Farm slaughters only on Mondays, and on Tuesday, came the delivery. I was practically drooling as I read along, except for the part about the pig in the black garbage bags…WOW. Also getting the pig as flat as possible without damaging anything is key. Be sure to keep the freshly-lit charcoal arranged in two separate stacks toward the ends of the sheet metal for even cooking.Since my roasting time took a total of just over 5 hours and 40 minutes, I spent about five hours roasting the pig with the skin side down.

Deelicious! You’ll see this in the video on this page and in the photo below.The thickest parts of the pig are the limbs, so they will take the longest to cook. Dont forget the ball of tin foil in the mouth to keep it open.

When pulling your pig out of the refrigerator or bath tub, you may notice some stiffness depending on how many days it remained there. Thanks for sharing.Jaden – here in VA, a pig roast is an event not to be missed filled with boot stomping, flat foot’n, fiddle playing, whole pig roasted over a huge (I’m talking really big) grill and lots of family members. We started with a 54# pig that we purchased from Central Meats in Chesapeake VA.  Thats 54 pounds with the head and hooves still on. LOLA-MAZ-ING….I’m in NC and we do plenty of pig-roasts (we call ’em pig-pickins’). Thank you for the detailed report on using the La Caja China .Great article.

We’re roasting a pig this weekend and now I’m gonna have to go pick up some tortillas and salsa verde.I have been jonesing for a la caja china for years! What do you suggest for getting it all spiffed up after cooking?PLEASE PLEASE LET ME WIN THIS CAJA. I like to separate the skin into separate pans and cut the meat into bite size chunks.Serve with Hawaiian rolls, corn tortillas, or lettuce wraps. Once the pig is inside, pour over any extra marinade, and immediately cover the roaster with the top frame (the coals should be lit and burning at this point). The first part covered the design and assembly of the La Caja …

Wet, slippery wood dock.)!(@&$)!*$!@%*! The bacon is porkolicious. It is because they didn’t use good old Kingsford. Anyhow, I’m not going to mention this La Caja China to my husband. You can ask anything about this recipe.How did it go?

I make roasted pork shoulder with a similar mojo criollo marinade–it’s the BEST!Cuban friends of ours roast a pig a couple of times a year and have a pit made of concrete blocks, charcoal on the bottom and use 2 twin beds frames for the pig frame. Do not use charcoal ligher fluid. It is very, very important not to use more of the recommend charcoal, this will only delay the cooking time because it will create more ashes that will reduce the amount of charcoal going down. So, if you’re squeamish about seeing pig — a whole pig before it’s cooked — don’t read further.Members of PETA, vegans who blast meat eaters and people who like to eat bacon but deny that it comes from a cute little piggy, click away stat! That was amazing~You crack my up, I was laughing so much I had to show my husband. LOL!

), you will need to replenish your coals about every 45 minutes to an hour. After pulling out the pig, those pans were filled with precious drippings. I first heard about La Caja China when we moved to Florida 10 years ago – it’s got it’s own cult following!The method is simple: Inject pig with marinade the night before.

You may also pour over a can of Coke. Sharing is caring! I WOULD LOVE TO COOK A PIG FOR CHRISTMAS FOR OUR FAMILY. If it’s not crispy enough, put back the charcoal for another 10 minutes.Let the pig rest for 20 minutes before digging in – we got a big folding table, covered it with newspaper and set the pig on top. Being from S.C., pig pickins are common occurences, but that’s the first time I’ve heard of La Caja China roasting box. Note this brine is great for chicken and turkey also. This is a post about a pork roast, beginning to end.