Messier 64 (M64 ili NGC 4826) je spiralna galaksija koju je otkrio Edward Pigott 1779. godine. M64 is about 24 million ly away from the Earth. This website saves cookies to your browser in order to improve your online experience and show you personalized content. It has an amazing dark band of dust around the galaxy's bright nucleus, hence the nicknames. It has a spectacular dark band of absorbing dust in front of its bright nucleus. It is well known among amateur astronomers for its appearance in small telescopes. Messier 64 ehk Musta silma galaktika (tuntud ka kui NGC 4826) on galaktika Berenike Juuste tähtkujus põhjataevas. Selle galaktika omapäraks on tähelepanuväärne tume tolmuriba galaktika heleda keskme ees, mis on andnud ka sellele nime: Musta Silma või Kurja Silma galaktika. Svojstva. It is located in the constellation Coma Berenices.Messier 64 consists of two counter-rotating disks equal in mass. A galaxis előterében van egy látványos sötét porsáv, amely a fényt elnyeli a galaxis fényes magja előtt, ezért nevezik Feketeszem- vagy Ördögszem-galaxisnak. Tu pojavu je prvi zamijetio William Herschel. This is why it is called the "Black Eye" or "Evil Eye" galaxy. Charles Messier otkrio ju je 1780. i uvrstio kao 64. objekt svog kataloga. Messier 64 (M64 ili NGC 4826) je spiralna galaksija koju je otkrio Edward Pigott 1779. godine. M64 nosi naziv Crnooka galaksija koji je dobila zbog oblaka prašine i plina koji okružuje jezgru. It has an amazing dark band of dust around the galaxy's bright nucleus, hence the nicknames. The inner disk has the highest concentration of the dust in the galaxy. A Messier 64 (más néven M64, NGC 4826, Ördögszem-vagy Feketeszem-galaxis) egy spirálgalaxis a Coma Berenices (Bereniké haja) csillagképben. Svojstva. Selle avastas Edward Pigott aastal 1779. Tu pojavu je prvi zamijetio William Herschel. M64 se nalazi na udaljenosti od oko 24 milijuna ly. M64 nosi naziv Crnooka galaksija koji je dobila zbog oblaka prašine i plina koji okružuje jezgru. The Black Eye Galaxy (or Sleeping Beauty Galaxy; Messier 64, M64, or NGC 4826) was discovered in 1779. It is well known among amateur astronomers for its appearance in small telescopes. Read our Charles Messier otkrio ju je 1780. i uvrstio kao 64. objekt svog kataloga. Messier 64 (NGC 4826), also known as the Black Eye Galaxy or the Evil Eye Galaxy is a spiral galaxy that was discovered by Edward Pigott in 1779, and also discovered by other astronomers during the same time. The Black Eye Galaxy (also called Evil Eye Galaxy and designated Messier 64, M64, or NGC 4826) is a relatively isolated spiral galaxy located 17 million light years away in the northern constellation of Coma Berenices.It was discovered by Edward Pigott in March 1779, and independently by Johann Elert Bode in April of the same year, as well as by Charles Messier in 1780. It is a fairly close galaxy, just over 24 million light years away. Messier 64 (NGC 4826), also known as the Black Eye Galaxy or the Evil Eye Galaxy is a spiral galaxy that was discovered by Edward Pigott in 1779, and also discovered by other astronomers during the same time.