Early in the anime series, Mei claims that Fujioka was her cousin. At the climax of the film, Mei saw Death leaching out of Reiko and onto Kouichi.

Later on, Mei commented to Kouichi that Mikami-sensei resembled him, in her determination and nature. Though she ignored Mei with the rest of her class, once it became clear this hadn't worked, Takako was the first student to welcome Mei back into the fold, a fact which irritated Kouichi, who felt the class was pretending nothing had happened. When they found out that they were twins, they hung out together all the time, shared their feelings with each other until they were eternally separated. Mei was very attached to Misaki.

Later on, Izumi learns how to break the curse from Tomohiko, which leads her to stab Takako in the throat, believing she was the extra. She attempted to kill Mei in the kitchen at the inn, stabbing her in her glass eye. Realizing her best friend was about to die, Mei begged Kouichi to let his aunt fall, as it was the only way to break the curse. Takako confronted Mei and Izumi in the main hall, but was disarmed by Kouichi and forced to retreat.

In the live action film, the two have a lot more screen time together. Kouichi goes to her anyway, ignoring her warning. Mei was afraid of losing Misaki when she saw the color of death on her one night, and was overprotective of her until she died. Mei dodges Takako's attack, causing her to become entangled in loose wiring connected to the ceiling.
They talked to each other a lot, told each other secrets, bathed together, dressed the same way, etc.

The person struggles under the fallen pile of lumber and it is revealed to be They are later seen at the Mikami family grave together on a sunny, warm day.

She was labeled by … This she did, broadcasting the tape to the other students and telling them killing Mei would break the curse. It should be noted that these traits of her personality only appear in the anime, not in the original novel.

During the climax at the Inn in the movie, Mei calls Kirika to finally tell her off and tell her she'd found Mei seemed indifferent to Akazawa and vice versa in the beginning. He finds her with a pickaxe next to a fallen tree and hears sounds coming from underneath. Nevertheless, she carries one by request of her aunt.

As more and more of her classmates (especially Junta) were killed by the curse, Takako became increasingly unstable, bordering on psychosis. " Death is not kind.
Kouichi explained that she was his aunt, to which Mei replied she'd noticed he had a special way of looking at her, implying she realized he saw her as a surrogate mother. Like her sister, Misaki is very beautiful, the main differences between them are that Misaki doesn't wear an eyepatch, has two red eyes instead of one green and one red, and has brown hair and a part of her hair is braided. Izumi knows where Mei lives, however, as she and Takako trail Kouichi to her mother's art studio, and are appalled when they realize where they are. Mei explained the situation, but a confused and badly injured Reiko denied it, accusing Mei of lying. One and a half year before the calamity began, Mei witnessed an unknown assailant killing The reason behind her mismatched irises is that her left eye is prosthetic; a doll's eye which, as Mei describes it and can see things best left unseen.

Misaki Fujioka is Mei Misaki's late twin sister.

In the live action film, Takako was originally selected to be the extra, but immediately broke down as she couldn't handle it. Despite having nearly been killed less the five seconds before, Mei was horrified by the violence of her death.

After Misaki's death, Mei was angry, upset and devastated as she lost her best friend and twin sister.