John is a wise and loving Being whose sessions with others provide insights and understanding in a non-judgmental manner given with love, compassion and an often delightful sense of humour.Access his wisdom through personal talks, group sessions, his monthly subscription or the Guidance from John events.One hour opportunity to talk with John about things specific to your life.© Copyright 2015-2020 Insight Teachings NZ Ltd. All rights reserved.Well, despite all the chaos and uncertainty we are still here. John is a wise and loving Being whose sessions with others provide insights and understanding in a non-judgmental manner given with love, compassion and an often delightful sense of humour. I love the Body of Christ. . John and his brother James , another disciple of Jesus, were fishermen on the Sea of Galilee when Jesus called them to follow him. I would bring you comfort and the understanding that you do not walk alone, that you have beside you the Holy Presence of your own true God Identity, that you have forging through the Heart the office of your Christhood, and round about, standing as the guardians of Light, the Ascended Masters, the Holy Angels and the Elohim, who would send forth to your life all the increments of Life, Light and Love that you require. Now is the hour to acknowledge the Christ in mankind. "I come in the fullness of Love, a Love which he passed to Me as I kept the Flame of the Holy Spirit and of the Comforter that should come among the disciples.

This love he expressed not only for Jesus, but also for the light of the Christ within him and for his mission, which he, above all, understood and shared. "And I, John, beheld a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away. As Jesus saw John standing nearby with Mary, he said to her, “Woman, behold thy son!” and said to John, “Behold thy Mother!”John embodied the full person of the Christ Self, and unless this had been true, Jesus would not have created that relationship, because Mary was Mother in the archetypal sense of Universal Mother—she embodied the Mother flame. Students who desire to study these four aspects of the nature of God and how they can solve the problems of our civilization that are the result of the perversions of the love ray on the planet may ask to be taken to John the Beloved’s retreat while they sleep. "Now is the hour for the Christ appearing! Another school of thought has proposed that the Beloved Disciple in the Gospel of John really was originally Mary Magdalene.To make this claim and maintain consistency with scripture, the theory is suggested that Mary's separate existence in the two common scenes with the Beloved Disciple [Jn 19:25-27] is due to later modifications, hastily done to authorize the Gospel in the late 2nd century. 5 in the front: jesus driving, john right up next to him, the twins sharing the second seat, and judas pressed against the passenger door, hanging his head out the window. "And in that moment of the return, you will feel the fiery momentum of the Son of God and all of those works worked in the Law of Being magnetizing

Although the author identifies himself as John in the Revelation (Rev. John The Beloved. But having once touched, tasted, smelled, and moved within these currents, it was necessary for you to stay tethered to the pole of the Godstar of your own Being, that Reality of your own God Presence, and then exercise the Virtues of the Christ. the 13 of them pile into jesus’s old pickup truck, pull the tailgate down even though it creaks and spits rust at them. What keeps us going and thriving, not just surviving?Survival is a strong instinct but the connection to our Soul is even more so. John has told us that his love for Jesus was so great that in order to make his ascension he had to learn the meaning of impersonal love.

And allowing this Life Force of which you then are Master, taking full Dominion over, are able to create new worlds, new realms where there can be the fostering and expansion of the Heart of God. John is well known as the disciple whom the Lord Jesus Christ loved, who is depicted as reclining on the Lord Jesus’ Christ bosom and the one disciple to whom He entrusted His beloved mother at our dear Lord’s Holy Crucifixion at the foot of the Cross.

In John the Beloved, Dr. Darryl DelHousaye presents some of his observations gleaned from a lifelong fascination with this enigmatic and revered apostle. Therefore 'by grace are ye saved; not of yourselves; it is the Gift of God.' "Blessed Hearts of the Most High, I AM John, the Beloved of God, and the Lover of God. From among those involved in the foundation of the Christian Dispensation, He was the only one besides John the Baptist, Jesus and His Mother Mary to attain the Ascension at the close of those embodiments. During his exile to Patmos, John received the Revelation, which he was directed to send with cover letters to seven churches of Asia Minor. Personal channelled sessions with John the Beloved through the channel, Helen Barton, enable you to recognise the gifts, conditions and limitations with which you live and how to move beyond them. 1986/7 four independent singles, later compiled as an album, Where It Is. 1985 The Beloved emerged via two John Peel music sessions. . His wisdom is always loving, often humorous and provides practical techniques for growth and development. You obviously already know the outcome of many of your experiments. John the Beloved is the author of five New Testament writings-a Gospel, the Revelation (Apocalypse; see John emphasizes spiritual qualities in his writings, including some contrasting pairs of qualities that illustrate the two opposing spiritual forces in the world.