See Kenneth Kitchen, “The Patriarchal Age: Myth or History?” 5. Yet many have never heard about the overwhelming contradictory evidence. In no way is this fair, ethical, or even logical.Nor is the press alone in this deception. In fact, it is non-existent. None of these discoveries prove the Bible is true. There are many scientific facts mentioned in the Bible that were not understood by man until centuries after the Bible was written. So you won’t find the word For quite some time the secular media, in concert with the schools and universities, has successfully sold to the public that the earth and universe are billions of years old. Archaeological finds that contradict the contentions of biblical minimalists and other revisionists have been listed above. He is currently the co-host with Bob Enyart on the popular Real Science Radio program that airs every Friday at 3:00pm on the 50,000-watt AM 670 KLTT. Among the most dangerous of these were the Philistines, the people after whom Palestine itself would be named. A This list of correlations between Old Testament texts and the hard evidence of Near Eastern archaeology could easily be tripled in length. Ever since scientific archaeology started a century and a half ago, the consistent pattern has been this: the hard evidence from the ground has borne out the biblical record again and again — and again. The Bible has nothing to fear from the spade.2. There is more evidence for the authenticity and accuracy of the Scriptures than for any other ancient book. An extraordinary archaeological discovery that confirms the biblical record barely receives any notice in the press, as witness the bones of the first biblical personality ever discovered in November, 1990. The evidence from creation is so overwhelming from every scientific discipline that it would take volumes to cover. Again the Bible is the only religious book to accurately describe this Law: It has only recently been learned that most clouds are formed by ocean evaporation, but again the Bible had it right centuries ago:In the verse of the Bible that contains a circumference and diameter (1 Kings 7:23), the Hebrew word for circumference contains an extra character at the end that can only add value to the word by applying Gematria (each Hebrew letter also represents a number). However, because of telescopes such as the Hubble, we now know there areThe dimensions of Noah’s Ark as described in the Bible are ideal for stability. Dinosaurs in the Bible. When you pick sea shells off the beach, and its in the closed position, it’s still alive. It would allow people to make an informed decision on what is true and what isn’t, and they know the evidence is heavily stacked against them. If secular scientists and schools are so confident in their position, why do they oppose counter-evidence from being presented?

Nowhere does [the author] try to evaluate the merits of the other side’s case. But because many Christians assume the “established” long ages are true, they’ve compromised the text in Genesis by claiming it allows for millions of years. Bryant G. Wood, “Did the Israelites Conquer Jericho?” 10.

On a clear night the naked eye can only count about 1000 stars. Paul finishes Romans 1:20 by unequivocally stating that skeptics are “without excuse”.Even though most readers of this page have never met or seen me, they know this page did not originate from some naturalistic process. Daniel Lazare, “False Testament: Archaeology Refutes the Bible’s Claim to History,” 4. What this tells us is that all this sea life buried around the globe was buried alive, and hence The best explanation for sea shells buried rapidly on mountain tops is a swift ascent of the mountains during the global flood. When it comes to the intertestamental and New Testament eras, as we might expect, the needle on the gauge of positive correlations simply goes off the scale.To use terms such as “false testament” for the Hebrew Bible and to vaporize its earlier personalities into nonexistence accordingly has no justification whatever in terms of the mass of geographical, archaeological, and historical evidence that correlates so admirably with Scripture.In view of the overwhelming evidence, to banner an article in Harper’s as “False Testament” when referring to the Hebrew Bible is clearly an outrage. Evidence from the secular scientific community confirms that all males trace back to a genetic bottleneck in history that the secularists refer to as ‘Y chromosomal Adam’. For example, in The Book of Mormon, proper names of places and people have no substantiation from outside sources.11. Moreover, the shells are invariably in the closed position. Fred can be reached at “That this plague of coronavirus shaking the world now mercilessly is a mystery hidden in the Bible prophecy of the …Have you ever wondered if God chooses our leaders? By far the best theory for this from both a biblical and scientific standpoint is the There is strong evidence from genetics that shows all humans trace back to the genetic “bottleneck” that occurred as the result of Noah’s flood. They do, however, add to the mounting evidence that demonstrates that the Bible is historically reliable. There are many more, however, that corroborate biblical evidence, and the following list provides only the most significant discoveries:Israel’s enemies in the Hebrew Bible likewise are not contrived but solidly historical.