Hadn't seen this movie since it was in theaters. She has now watched the film and has played it again and again when her friends or cousins are around. I am glad I watched this film to better understand what really happened up there. The director, Ron Howard, considered filming in the Apollo Mission Control Center (MCC), but decided to duplicate the room on a Hollywood sound stage to give him better control over lighting and camera angles. The emotion and sentimentality are a bit overdone, in reality the people involved pretty much kept it together, this is the Hollywood version of events. Superb film, brilliant Blu-ray. Another must is the Apollo 13 book that compliments the film but also adds a little bit more information around other sections that the film skips over. However, be aware that as this is film-based source material, you get a LOT of film grain. These guys were lucky that they were able to get back to a Earth- of course they had some of the smartest people in the USA working to get them home. Hair raising suspense it's cool to see the actual heroes who were portrayed in the great Ron Howard/Tom Hanks film. No car chases. The 4K disc has great picture and fantastic sound. No gun fights. If I didn't know so much about Apollo 13 already it might have held my interest better. The model takes into account factors including the age of a rating, whether the ratings are from verified purchasers, and factors that establish reviewer trustworthiness.Sorry, we failed to record your vote.

Please try againSorry, we failed to record your vote. Apollo 13 is a tremendous film.

The model takes into account factors including the age of a rating, whether the ratings are from verified purchasers, and factors that establish reviewer trustworthiness.Quickly browse titles in our catalog based on the ones you have picked. Please try againSorry, we failed to record your vote. The sound was amazing, especially during the launch sequence.

Ever entertaining film on what could have been a disaster for the crew and space expiration I downloaded it from Prime Video and we spent a very pleasant (and educational) afternoon together.

We all know this film so no point in reviewing that. It is more from the ground operations and engineering perspective than that of the astronauts.

Sacrifices need to be made to squeeze nearly 6 days of mission in to 2 hours. Please try againSorry, we failed to record your vote. Please try againSorry, we failed to record your vote. Never pales.

10 out of 10.

After watching this movie a couple times I looked up the astronauts to see if they were still around and how old they are. Pacing lags in places, but overall it is an engrossing story reasonably well told. Those familiar with the technical aspects of Apollo will be laughing out loud in places.

Both the US and the former Soviet Union have had near disasters in space.

But the content, and the reality of events that this movie told without typical Hollywood manipulation, brings to light the true story of this event.

It takes forever. I loved Apollo 13 when I watched it at the cinema when it was released in the 90's, and I still own a VHS copy of it. Like the Martian, this tells the story of a group of smart, determined people pulling together to save stranded astronauts. Tom Hanks is once again sublime and makes the film inspirational. The film itself is fine - but I did buy this in part for the bonus material - and I prefer to have subtitles on as I am slightly hard-of-hearing - there are no subtitles. This documentary explains in some depth, but not in overwhelming detail, the complex procedures that an enormous group of people all over the country went through to rescue the astronauts of the Apollo 13 Moon mission after a disastrous failure of their spacecraft in April 1970.

It is a wonder that the crew of Apollo 13 ever made it home! Please try againSorry, we failed to record your vote.

If you, like me, were alive at the time of these history-making events, or if you are interested in the manned exploration of space, or if you enjoyed the Hollywood film "Apollo 13," this program will bring back memories and help fill gaps in your knowledge.

This was 1970 technology which nevertheless worked miracles - a combination of bold astronauts, clever NASA workers and a lot of dumb luck. With the recent celebrations of the moon landings, I had a hankering to watch it again for the first time in years. Bargain. And did the person that did the cover art even watch the video? And then the final moments of the re-entry silence for what seemed like a disaster lasting far too long to be good news had us all on the edge of our seats willing them to get home safely 50 years since the real journey took place. Disappointingly, the BD is the standard 5.1 audio with no upgrade to Dolby Atmos or DTS-X.

Hooray for humanity! I understand why they picked Billy Mumy to narrate, given the Lost in Space connection and all, but his narration makes it sound like a children's story.