A refugee crisis was feared before the coalition invasion of Iraq in 2003, but it came later than anticipated, and on a greater scale.

Iraqis in Jordan are estimated to number between 200.000 and comprise approximately 4-5 per cent of the total population.

Throughout the past 30 years, there have been a growing number of refugees fleeing Iraq and settling throughout the world, peaking recently with the latest Iraq War.

But they are hoping it does not end there.Our Sunday Visitor learned about the Christian family’s story during the international conference “Media and their role in defending the truth,” which offered a reflection on dialogue between religions and people in the Middle East.

“Now, we cannot provide all of her needs or develop her skills as a child due to our bad financial situation. ... Crisis Group Commentary, 21 October 2019.Hide Footnote. “Many of us have applied to Australia and Canada, but have been rejected or are waiting,” said Hanna, who noted that while spouses apply together, entire families must apply for asylum individually.“We do not know how much time this will take, but several years is possible,” he said.After enduring persecution, violence and uprooting, a group of Iraqi religious and laypeople are on…Bishop of Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem speaks of Christians’ small number, their rolesChristian family life is a vocation and, when lived with fidelity, it is a path…Caritas Jordan is a charitable organization with the Catholic Church, and a part of Caritas International, which belongs to the Vatican. It operates health clinics in different parts of Jordan that provide general medicine, dentistry and medicine services to patients free of charge for the needy and refugees. The Vatican is funding a job-creation program for Iraqi refugees in Jordan. Monthly Cash Assistance was distributed to 126,714 Syrian refugees, 5,584 Iraqi refugees and 2,283 persons were of other nationalities.

The Latin Patriarchate, alongside Caritas Jordan, rapidly set up an emergency program and is now working to find sustainable solutions by providing humanitarian aid to more than 11,000 displaced Iraqi families: food, clothing, shelter, water, health care and money to cover hospital costs, transportation, etc., but also by responding to the housing problem for many families.

He did so in the footsteps of Pope Benedict XVI (2009) and Pope St. John Paul II (2000).Jordan, with a large Islamic majority, where Catholics are less than 1% of the population, has a reputation as a peaceful and tolerant country in the Middle East.

Caritas Jordan assists Iraqi refugees Caritas Jordan is a charitable organization with the Catholic Church, and a part of Caritas International, which belongs to the Vatican. Estimating the size of an immigrant population is difficult, as some Iraqis may have entered without a legal permit, or overstayed their permit. The patriarch, in cooperation with Caritas Jordan, assists more than 11,000 students with their children’s tuition fees, in addition to transportation, stationery, uniform costs and a skills training program. Failed Responsibility: Iraqi Refugees in Syria, Jordan and Lebanon . “For instance,” he said, “if someone needs a surgery, insurance doesn’t pay or doesn’t pay more than 10-20%, but this doesn’t cover if someone needs more expensive surgeries.”Without the ability to make a living or afford adequate health care, and since the processes for being welcomed takes more than three years, Jordan, Hanna said, could not become home.When asked if his family would wish to return to Iraq if the situation were better, he was not optimistic.“Even if the situation seemed better, as it does at times in certain areas,” Hanna said, “I think it is only temporary.”Christians in Iraq are concentrated along the Nineveh Plain, around Mosul.