It allows our most engaged readers to debate the big issues, share their own experiences, discuss Women and children celebrating after being freed from Isis in Manbij, Syria, on 12 AugustA man cuts the beard of a civilian who was freed from Isis by the SDF in Manbij on 12 August Women carry newborn babies while running after being freed from Isis in Manbij, Syria, on 12 AugustA woman freed from Isis hugs an SDF fighter in Manbij on 12 AugustA woman adding her veil to a pile of niqabs burning in Manbij, Syria, after being freed from Isis on 12 AugustChildren celebrating on top of a lorry after being freed from Isis in Manbij, Syria, on 12 AugustA man and child freed from Isis by the SDF in Manbij on 12 August A woman carrying her children walks towards SDF fighters after being freed from Isis in Manbij, Syria, on 12 AugustA woman and child freed from Isis in Manbij, Syria, on 12 AugustAn SDF fighter kisses a crying man who was freed from Isis in Manbij, Syria, on 12 AugustHundreds of civilians freed from Isis in Manbij, Syria, on 12 AugustWomen and children celebrating after being freed from Isis in Manbij, Syria, on 12 AugustA man cuts the beard of a civilian who was freed from Isis by the SDF in Manbij on 12 August Women carry newborn babies while running after being freed from Isis in Manbij, Syria, on 12 AugustA woman freed from Isis hugs an SDF fighter in Manbij on 12 AugustA woman adding her veil to a pile of niqabs burning in Manbij, Syria, after being freed from Isis on 12 AugustChildren celebrating on top of a lorry after being freed from Isis in Manbij, Syria, on 12 AugustA man and child freed from Isis by the SDF in Manbij on 12 August A woman carrying her children walks towards SDF fighters after being freed from Isis in Manbij, Syria, on 12 AugustA woman and child freed from Isis in Manbij, Syria, on 12 AugustAn SDF fighter kisses a crying man who was freed from Isis in Manbij, Syria, on 12 AugustHundreds of civilians freed from Isis in Manbij, Syria, on 12 AugustThere are no comments yet - be the first to add your thoughts

Iraq’s government said Thursday that since last October when anti-government protests erupted in the country, a total of 560 protesters and members of the security forces have been killed in the violence. Start your Independent Premium subscription today.Are you sure you want to mark this comment as inappropriate?Independent Premium Comments can be posted by members of our membership scheme, Independent Premium. try again, the name must be unique real-world solutions, and more. Lacking solid evidence, the public must weigh Saddam Hussein's penchant for lies against the … continue to respect all commenters and create constructive debates.

He said: “The loss of direct road access to cross-border smuggling routes into Turkey severely restricts the group’s ability to recruit new fighters from abroad, while the Iraqi government is poised to launch its offensive on Mosul.”Iraqi forces have secured the key Qayyarah Airbase as US and Iraqi soldiers are preparing for an assault on the jihadist group’s second city and last major stronghold in Iraq which experts predict is likely to begin next week.Enter your email to follow new comments on this article.Are you sure you want to mark this comment as inappropriate?Want to discuss real-world problems, be involved in the most engaging discussions and hear from the journalists? {{#sender.isSelf}} Independent Premium.
Log in to update your newsletter preferencesPlease There are no comments yet - be the first to add your thoughts The United States intends to continue withdrawing troops from Iraq, it said in a statement, after the two countries began talks on the future of their strategic relationship. Please to your comment. Isis loses a third of its territory in Syria and Iraq, analysts say Email already exists. will be published daily in dedicated articles. Our journalists will try to respond by joining the threads when Washington claims that Baghdad harbors ambitions of aggression, continues to develop and stockpile weapons of mass destruction and maintains ties to Al Qaeda. they can to create a true meeting of independent Premium.