Those ideas about needing to wait are really antiquated and the evidence is to the contrary. Well, you can’t count on your cat’s kittens being just like him or her, either.So are at least a quarter of the cats who end up in shelters. Like any surgery, there are risks of complications and spaying is more invasive than neutering, but it's a very common procedure. They yowl loudly and continuously. Do you take medication for a chronic illness? In fact, it’s just the opposite. Obviously, removal of the uterus and ovaries renders that cancer risk nonexistent, and the absence of hormones will greatly reduce the risk of mammary cancer as well.Spaying and neutering don’t make cats fat; feeding them too much and not exercising them enough does.Then foster a pregnant cat for a shelter. Generally, spayed and neutered pets live longer, happier lives.WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If you have a neutered cat that is still spraying, you should see your veterinarian. There are millions of cats and kittens that need homes and millions more that are abandoned. Share your thoughts in the comments. It really alters their A: There are a lot of low-cost options all over the country.

Neutering early is your best bet to avoid that urge altogether. My male cat is super sweet and they get a long 90% of the time, but for the past few months he's been biting her neck and straddling her a few times a day. Spaying and neutering is the responsible thing to do. An estimated 5 million to 8 million animals are euthanized in shelters across this country every year.

I recommend cats be kept indoors, so you should have enough environmental enrichment to keep your cat happy.

Spaying and neutering don’t make cats fat; feeding them too much and not exercising them enough does. It will certainly take away that hormonal urge to spray. Here are eight excuses that really grind my gears and why they’re simply not valid.No. I have two 1 year old cats from the same litter, male and female, both neutered and spayed. They want to get out.

And your point is?Do you wear glasses? They can have a litter at six months of age, and they can have three litters a year. It’s also better for your pet’s health. There simply aren’t enough homes for all the cats that get born every kitten season.A: It’s a myth that animals should have a litter or a heat before they are spayed. It greatly reduces the risk of certain cancers if you have her spayed before the first heat and certainly before she has a litter.Most places are overrun with kittens. My cat will get fat and lazy after being spayed or neutered. Many organizations are working to decrease that number by opening low-cost spay/A: Shelter euthanasia is the number one killer of companion animals. A: A healthy weight goes back to portion control and exercise. Intact male cats will spray. And if you have an unaltered male cat, you’re probably not seeing much of him anyway.Usually, neutering a tom will curb its desire to roam, although cats are a little different than dogs and wander for reasons other than reproducing, such as hunting. They will be on a mission to roam, increase their territory, find a mate and fight competitors. Hi , Now i know what people are going to reply and say is that get your cat NEUTERED i have considered it but i don't feel confident putting my cat through that . Hello, my cat just got neuter, after arriving at home in the evening, she eat and drink after that sleep but 20 min after midnight she woke up and she have a forming and drooling on her mouth, what should i do basically i put her in cage and moniter her right now..i wanted to go to vet but they are closed..the doc said she fine and i dont have any medication with him since the doc didnt give Don’t free feed your cat.A: We don’t recommend having free-roaming cats. But some still people refuse to have their cats fixed. Stop taking it right now because it’s clearly God’s will that you should die young. Since he came home from the vet he has not been the same cat. Provide places where they can hide and play. Honestly, I was one of them who refuses to spay or neuter my cat. Lifestyle How To Use An Amazon Box To Entertain Your Cat All Day Long All the benefits you get from spaying or neutering your pet are magnified by spaying or neutering before the animal reaches puberty.A: Yes, as long as she’s at least eight weeks of age and weighs at least two pounds. The surgery was expensive and risky, particularly because veterinarians didn’t do the kind of anesthesia and recovery monitoring and pain management that they do now.Today, things are different. Is there anything i could do or use to stop making him spray . There are no health benefits to that at all, and it’s a much easier medical procedure if you spay before the first heat. Cats who are not spayed before their first heat are at a greatly increased risk of developing mammary cancer and cancers of the uterus and ovaries. What made me think to do it was because of this site and the people in it taught me to do it. And having a cat that’s spayed or neutered will make your life easier.A: No. But, before he was neutered he was very very active and meowing all the time to get outside. They want to get out.

The fact is that in the big picture, not spaying or neutering your cat causes untold suffering, even if it doesn’t seem to harm your little house cat. Well, get rid of them because God obviously doesn’t want you to be able to see well. Q: Don’t cats get fat once you spay or neuter them?