there should be some thread with either transcription of the heroes names or a vocaroo for example it's hell for me to pronounce these: pharah, mei,torbjorn, widowmaker, it deeva? there should be some thread with either transcription of the heroes names or a vocaroo for example it's hell for me to pronounce these: pharah, mei,torbjorn, widowmaker, it deeva? I'm sure someone will help out.A lot of those characters litterally say their name when you pick them "TORE-BYORNE READY TO WERK"Yeah bro, Magnon already wrote them down, so I guess I'll need to get used to pronounce them and it will no longer be a problem, I never have picked bjorne tho so i wouldnt know :DThey all say their names when someone changes to them during the match.New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castSubreddit for all things Overwatch™, the team-based shooter from Blizzard Entertainment.Press J to jump to the feed.

), lucio,symmetra,zenyatta like thats 70% of the heroes the names are weird af and i shouls either think of nicknames for each of those heroes or some of you to sacrifice a few minutes fro their … Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts

), lucio,symmetra,zenyatta like thats 70% of the heroes the names are weird af and i shouls either think of nicknames for each of those heroes or some of you to sacrifice a few minutes fro their time to help fellow passionate player :(Pharah (Phonetically: F-ar-ah. The ph works like the ph in Phone, with an f sound, the ar sounds like air, and shockingly ah is ah, as in the exclamation)Torbjorn (Phonetically: Tore-bi-orn, The Tor sounds like tore, as in you previously tore that paper apart, the bj ends up sounding like the first part of beach, and then the orn sounds the end of horn)Widowmaker (Phonetically: Widow-maker, as in black widow, and then the word maker)Lucio (Phonetically: Lucy-oh, as in the name lucy, followed by the exclamation oh)Symmetra (Phonetically: Sim-me-tr-ah, Sym sounding like simulation, me as in metal, tr as in train, and ah, as in the exclamation)Zenyatta (Phonetically: Zen-ya-t-tah, Zen as in the word zen, ya as in the stereotypical German/Swedish word Ya, t as in touch, and ta as in... we don't have a word for that. Just go by the tah phonetic spelling and you should be good)thanks a ton for clearing all that up man, you da mvp, this is going to help me a lot when calling X hero on roof or X hero behind us D:Fair-uh, may, tore-biyorn, deeva, lou-see-o, sim-met-tra, zen-yot-ta.thanks bro, i guess ill write em up on a note until I get used to the pronunciationEnglish a second language or what?