Any recommended cleaning of the ears when they are infected by ear mites should also be done by your vet rather than at home as it can be very painful.Ear mites can be transmitted between bunnies, so if you have multiple rabbits together they will likely all need appropriate treatment.

It can also get ear mites from other cats or other animals like dogs and rabbits. 6.4 Can indoor rabbits get ear mites? The ear mites, which are easily spread among rabbits and their environment, may infect one or both ears of your rabbit, causing irritation and crusting to occur in the infected ears. Signs of a mite infection will alter depending on the mite in question, but there are some signs that might point to mites as a potential problem:If your rabbit is experiencing any of these signs then make an appointment with Although rabbits can get mites, healthy rabbits in a clean environment are not at a high risk of getting mites, and infections are usually mild and easily treated.

If you are going to raise rabbits, then eventually you’ll have the problem of ‘ear mites’. 6.3 Is it necessary to regularly rabbit ear clean?

How can be prevented ear mites?

A cat only needs a very brief physical contact with an object or an animal that harbors ear mites. A quick-drying, and less messy spot-on treatment; Only product registered to treat mites in rabbits; How to Use Revolution Revolution can be safely applied to rabbits … The rabbit ear mite, called Psoroptes cuniculi, is common in domestic rabbits. They may be found in only one ear, or in both, and in some cases may spread to the surrounding areas – the head, neck, abdomen, and genital regions. These tips from Catherine can help keep your rabbit comfortable during a check, and ensure you spot any changes right away:'So that your rabbits can't hurt themselves trying to get away, it's important to ensure they're in a comfortable position before you start the check. Ear problems in rabbits are extremely common, no matter what their breed. Many mites are not parasites, and can actually be really helpful, for example as decomposters.If you think that your rabbit may have mites, speak to your vet.Some mites, however, can cause more trouble, for example those who live on our pets. One of the best ways to avoid getting ear mites is to keep a close eye on your family pets. Ear mites cause itchiness and some discomfort, so rabbits may scratch their neck and ears more than usual and have scaly, peeling skin around the ear area. Small and spider-like, with four pairs of legs, mites are actually a group on their own, with the smallest examples being less than 0.1mm long! Both harvest mites and cheyletiella have been known to infest humans, although they usually only live on us briefly!Read more of our expert rabbit advice to keep your rabbit happy and healthy. Recognizing the first signs of an ear mite infection in animals can protect you and others in … Then look at the ear canals.

Parasitic mites we might see on our rabbits include three major types:Although common, other problems can cause similar signs in rabbits so ear mites should always be diagnosed by your vet.

'Easier to spot than bacterial ear infections, you may see the following signs in your rabbits if they have ear mites:Ear mites cause itchiness and some discomfort, so rabbits may scratch their neck and ears more than usual and have scaly, peeling skin around the ear area.In some cases, affected bunnies may lose patches of hair and lesions might appear around the neck, feet and abdomen due to scratching and over-grooming.Known as exudate, this fluid forms in response to the ear mites and can clearly be seen in the ear canal.One sure-fire way to spot an infection as soon as it takes hold, is to be completely familiar with your rabbits' ears in their healthy state. This will help to prevent ear mites in rabbits. The parasite also spreads easily from rabbit to rabbit, so it's vital that your bunnies' home environment is thoroughly de-contaminated to prevent reinfection.How to treat rabbit ear infections and ear mite infestations 'If you think there might be a problem, trust your instincts and book an appointment to see your vet.

While there is some seasonal variety – harvest mites for example are seen in autumn – mites are present throughout the year and exposure to mites is impossible to completely prevent. Vet Catherine Thomas advises on how to spot, treat and prevent the condition in your bunnies.As you're well aware, your rabbits have highly sensitive ears. It is pretty easy to diagnose; there is an ever growing build-up of gunk in their ears. Because of this, it is rare for rabbits to require routine treatment against mites. It's particularly important that the treatment lasts longer than three weeks, as mites can live for up to 21 days.