Help | FAQ | Cookies | Disclaimer | Accessibility | Privacy Policy | Subscribers | FAQ | Cookies | Disclaimer | Accessibility | Privacy Policy | Subscribers Licensees and other users of the images are Data Con­trollers with respect to their own use of the images and are required to com­ply with the Data Pro­tec­tion Act 1998 and all sub­se­quent rel­e­vant leg­is­la­tion or provisions.The Sec­re­tary of State’s dis­tri­b­u­tion and licens­ing of the re-use of traf­fic images is com­pli­ant with Arti­cle 8 of the Euro­pean Con­ven­tion on Human Rights, 1950 – the right to respect for pri­vate and fam­ily life.

Covering the M1, M4, M5, M6, M25, M40, M60, M62 and more. Images which may be cap­tured from any other cam­eras on the net­work – includ­ing enforce­ment cam­eras or cam­eras to which Auto­matic Num­ber Plate Recog­ni­tion tech­nol­ogy or other data recog­ni­tion tech­nol­ogy is attached – are not dis­trib­uted to Licensees or the public.The Sec­re­tary of State is the Data Con­troller with respect to his and his staffs’ and agents’ use of the images. If officers spot something of concern, such as a stranded vehicle, pedestrians in the road or a crash, they can alert the emergency services or send a traffic officer to the … Check the current conditions on the A1M with all the latest CCTV traffic camera images in your very own Virtual Control Centre. Choose a carriageway on the M25 motorway. The licence shall not pro­vide the Licensee with an exclu­sive right to reuse the images. We own over 1500 traffic cameras which have been used to assist with the management of traffic on the trunk road and motorway network in England for nearly 30 years. All the latest CCTV images from traffic cameras covering England and Wales.Google Map showing live traffic conditions and all the latest CCTV images.You can create custom routes for your frequent journeys and have all the latest images in one place.Save you favourite locations to get immediate access to the information you need.Contact us with your questions and queries regarding Traffic Cameras UK. Save you favourite locations to get immediate access to the information you need.

Bookmarks. We offer a variety of services to help you keep you informed about scheduled roadworks and events on our network of motorways and major roads. Contact us . Highways England National Traffic Operations Centre 3 Ridgeway Quinton Business Park Birmingham B32 1AF Email: General enquiries: 0300 123 5000 British sign language (BSL) If you are a BSL user, you can use the online interpreting service, SignLive to contact us. Requests for access to the real-time video stream of images fall out­side of the Act and are sub­ject to licens­ing. The Sec­re­tary of State and the police ser­vice have pri­or­ity use of the cam­eras. Traffic; Toggle navigation. Free to view and fully optimised for mobiles and tablets. Licensees shall not have exclu­sive use of any cam­era. Search for cameras . CCTV cameras. Licensees are required to bind all users of the images it receives to the terms set out in the licence. At Highways England, we want to get you the infor­ma­tion you need quickly and eas­ily so you can plan your journey. This is clearly demon­strated in:Images are sourced from the Highways England traf­fic man­age­ment cam­eras on the trunk road and motor­way net­work in Eng­land. Licensees are deemed to be pub­lic author­i­ties as defined in the Act since the per­mit­ted use of the images has a “pub­lic nature”; and are required to com­ply with its pro­vi­sions if it receives an access request under the Act.
Covering the M1, M4, M5, M6, M25, M40, M60, M62 and more. The dura­tion of the licence will depend on the pur­pose of reuse being licensed. Please select whether still image or video access is required. Pro­vi­sion of images of a scene or from spe­cific cam­eras may be sus­pended if the Sec­re­tary of State or the Police Ser­vice con­sider that pro­vi­sion of the images is not in the inter­ests of oper­a­tional require­ments, the good and proper pub­lic inter­est, or good and proper policing.The Sec­re­tary of State may wish to eval­u­ate the effec­tive­ness of the use and re-use made by the Licensee of the images in sup­port­ing Highways England’s core busi­ness func­tions and objec­tives with respect to:In the event that the Sec­re­tary of State, requires an eval­u­a­tion at any time dur­ing the period of the Licence the Licensee under­takes to coop­er­ate with the Sec­re­tary of State’s rep­re­sen­ta­tive in devel­op­ing an eval­u­a­tion plan cov­er­ing, in par­tic­u­lar, data relat­ing to the User’s use and re-use of the images and other tech­ni­cal feed­back. M621 Eastbound (9 Cameras) M621 Westbound (4 Cameras) … Motorway Traffic Cameras - View live CCTV images and traffic news on your computer or mobile phone. Search. View over 1,800 live CCTV motorway traffic camera images from all over England, Scotland and Wales including M1, M4, M5, M6, … The source video and images presented through Highways England Traffic Cameras System are supplied courtesy of the Highways England. By using this mobile site, you agree to our use of Highways England National Traffic Operations Centre 3 Ridgeway Quinton Business Park Birmingham B32 1AF Email: General enquiries: 0300 123 5000 British sign language (BSL) If you are a BSL user, you can use the online interpreting service, SignLive to contact us. Additionally, access to live video streams for one or more RCC regions may be requested. This is a free service which you can access online, or by … Motorway Traffic Cameras - View live CCTV images and traffic news on your computer or mobile phone. Routes. Such requests must be referred to the Sec­re­tary of State’s des­ig­nated offi­cer.