[Internet]. His family lived in a flat above a schoolhouse where his father taught elementary students. Born as Hans-Georg Kern in Deutschbaselitz, Germany, on January 23, 1938, artist Georg Baseltiz (self-renamed after his hometown in 1958) lived through and came of age during World War II and its aftermath. Baselitz was best known for his inverted, or upside-down paintings that shift emphasis from subject to the properties of painting itself, creating not just a painted canvas, but a nearly sculptural object. Baselitz was born on 23 January 1938, in Deutschbaselitz (now a part of In 1955, he applied to study at the Kunstakademie in In 1961, he adopted the name Georg Baselitz as a tribute to his home town. In 1993, he designed the set for From 21 November 2009, to 14 March 2010, the Museum Frieder Burda and In a 2013 interview, Baselitz was quoted as saying, "women don't paint very well. In 1992, he resigned from the Akademie der Künste in Berlin. He is seen as a revolutionary painter as he draws the viewer's attention to his works by making them think and sparking their interest. It was in the school's library where Georg discovered pencil drawings made in the 19In 1950 Baselitz's family moved to Kamens where Georg attended high school. His work confronts the visceral reality of history and tragedy of being German in a post World War II era. Then there is the struggle between the idea I preconceived... and the picture that fights for its own life.I proceed from a state of disharmony, from ugly things.The reality is the picture, it is most certainly not in the picture.I always feel attacked when I'm asked about my painting.Unlike the Expressionists, I have never been interested in renewing the world through the vehicle of art.The artist is not responsible to any one. For over 60 years, Georg Baselitz has tested the boundaries of contemporary art and actively shaped a new identity for postwar German painting. ©2020 The Art Story Foundation. Similar to his paintings, the sculptures were crude, forceful, and unrefined. Georg Baselitz (born 23 January 1938) is a German painter, sculptor and graphic artist.In the 1960s he became well known for his figurative, expressive paintings.In 1969 he began painting his subjects upside down in an effort to overcome the representational, content-driven character of his earlier work and stress the artifice of painting. After returning from Florence to West Berlin, Baselitz created the series of In 1976, Baselitz rented a studio in Florence, which he used until 1981. In 1977, he began working on large-format In 1981, Baselitz set up an addition study in Castiglion Florentino, near In 1990, at the Nationalgalerie im Alten Museum in Berlin, the first major exhibition of Baselitz's works in East Germany was staged. Though primarily credited with reviving German Expressionist painting in the 1970s, he also works in print and sculpture. Georg Baselitz is counted as one of the internationally most important German artists of the present time. He confrontationally breaks down the bridges of German history. It's a fact. Georg Baselitz: Mrs. Lenin and the Nightingale, White Cube, Mason’s Yard, London 7 x 14 Anniversary Exhibition, Staatliche Kunsthalle, Baden-Baden Georg Baselitz and Jonathan Meese: New Works on Paper, Galerie Jutta Radicke, Sankt Augustin Georg Baselitz: Paintings and Sculptures, Museum der Moderne Mönchsberg, Salzburg Citing the comparative lack of commercial success of work by women painters in the most expensive markets as proof, he stated, "Women simply don't pass the test. He became increasingly interested in anamorphosis, the distorted or monstrous representation of an image, as exemplified in the proportions and facial features of his figures. He continued to use painting as his primary medium of expressing himself as apost World War II German, continuing to depict inner emotional turmoil through distorted figures and bold, striking brushwork.Baselitz reinvented his work in 1979 when he began creating monumental wooden sculptures. Throughout his career, Baselitz has varied his style, ranging from layering substances to his style, since the 1990s, which focuses more on lucidity and smooth changes.