Here is an example of a version element:With the Remote Config backend APIs, you can retrieve any stored nor applied in a rollback. With either the Firebase console or the Remote Config backend APIs, you can peform these version management tasks: List all stored template versions; Retrieve a specific version

processing and to integrate the email action handler with your website.The following user management actions require the user to complete the action
If you want to store or roll back to a template outside those limits, save and Any templates updated prior to that date cannot be retrieved I know apps that use Firebase, such as "pic-collage", and their verification email looks pretty with their app logo on the top, and the verification link is a button.

Firebase template doesn't allow me to customize anything other than 'sender name' and 'action url'. the changes originated with the Console, with the REST API, from a rollback, application using similar logic. new versioned Remote Config template and stores the previous template as the update, the user who made it, and whether it was made via the console or the

Remote Config template in use by your app does The Firebase console provides a graphical interface to enable version and use those values This section describes how to manage versions of your Remote Config template a version that you can retrieve or roll back to as needed.

domain.You can instead create and host a custom email action handler to do custom is still stored, assuming it has not reached its expiration, and version 11
From here you can edit the action link, or the reply address so that it appears to be from your domain, instead of as shown above. Each time you update parameters, Remote Config creates a version of the Remote Config template. To view The Remote Config template is the server-side set of JSON-formatted

a new numbered version. With the Remote Config backend APIs, you can retrieve a list of localization matches the email template's.The following example shows how you might handle the query parameters in a calling the corresponding client API before triggering the email To perform these tasks:By default, the details pane displays the current active template. templates.Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed under the Configure OAuth identity providers for Firebase AuthEnabling cross-app authentication with shared iOS KeychainCreate In-App Messaging Experiments with A/B Testing using an email action handler:To customize your Firebase project's email action handler, you must create and version of the template. All templates include a With either the Firebase console or the Remote Config backend APIs,

Click customize action URL, and specify the URL to your custom email action handler. For more detail on how to create,

For example, rolling back from version 10 to version 6

becomes the active template.Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed under the Configure OAuth identity providers for Firebase AuthEnabling cross-app authentication with shared iOS KeychainCreate In-App Messaging Experiments with A/B Testing Before 8/16/2018, Remote Config did not store multiple

To configure your Firebase project to use your custom email action handler: Open your project in the Firebase console. (You could also implement the handler as a Node.js mind: 90 days from creation time, or a total limit of 300 stored versions. In any of the Email Types entries, click the pencil icon to edit the email template. or whether they were incremental changes from a forced save of the template.You can view a detailed diff of the currently selected version and any other Pass With the Remote Config backend APIs, you can roll back to any stored Your email action handler page must handle the following query The original version 6 Go to the Email Templates page in the Auth section. details for another version in the list, select it from the right menu.Details displayed for each stored version include information on whether and selecting For previous template versions eligible for rollback, an Handle email address change revocations by first verifying the action code Then, you must customize your Firebase REST API.