Classification of Disease 2. Non-contagious disease is one which is not transferable from one animal to another and is not regarded as being due to a special organism or virus. It is the determination of the seat and the nature of a disease. Common Animal Diseases -Student Notes Accompanies: Common Animal Diseases 1 Directions: Fill in the blank. TREATMENT PART II.--NON-SPECIFIC OR GENERAL DISEASES. signs that cannot be mistaken for any other disease).Basically, there are three causes of diseases, namely:They are either extrinsic or intrinsic factors. And, if necessary, to apply certain tests or make bacteriological or chemical examination. Some of the symptoms are not con­stant and a very few are peculiar to any particular disease. In the broad sense, any disease transmitted from parents to offspring is called hereditary. Check for spasms, excessive blinking, lacrimation (tear production), etc.Check the nostrils for excessive discharge of mucus or excessive dilation.Observe the mucus membranes in the mouth for colour change, erosion of the gums, and salivation.Check the jugular vein if it is glandular or smooth. Check for swellings or wounds on the skin.Check the nose and the ribcage for any abnormality we have discussed in prior.Start from the mouth and go through the animal in the abdomen, the stomachs, the rectum and the external genitalia.Here, check the mucus membranes for their colour, the jugular vein for pulse, and the lateral sternum on the left side of the animal to feel the heartbeat.Skin is the largest organ of the body and the barrier between internal organs and the external environment. Disease • Is a disorder or incorrect function of an organ, structure or system of an animal’s body 2.

On the other hand, disease due to a specific cause often attacks an individual animal but shows no tendency to spread to other animals. You may notice the following from this examination:Useful for pregnancy diagnosis and deformities in organs.You can listen to abdominal movements in animals with digestive problems.Take samples for lab examination. When the symptoms of the different conditions are compared and the com­parison points to the presence of one of those diseases. mastitis and helminthiasis. You can use the urine for urinalysis, sugar content, and culture for microbiological analysis.You can use the faeces for identifying worm infections and for cultural isolation to identify bacterial infections.Pick a prescapular or parotid lymph node biopsy in a clean dry bottle. Diagnosis: Via skin scraping and microscopic identification, but false negatives are common. mastitis and helminthiasis. The saliva contains lysozyme, which deters microbial growth.The GIT has an acidic pH, which is not conducive to microbial growth.Peristalsis makes it hard for any organism to attach, penetrate, and cause diseases.Most organisms in the GIT majorly exit the body through the faeces and mouth secretions.Urine is sterile and keeps flushing and diluting the microorganisms. After carrying out the general diagnoses we have covered so far, you can complement them with the following techniques to isolate the case:Involves direct feeling with the hands/fingers for the size of a swelling, consistency (whether soft or hard), and sensitivity (to pain and temperature).Strike the body surface to set the deep parts into vibration. chronic rheu­matism. Diagnosing animal diseases becomes a key component of farm management.In this article, we are going to look at some of the very common diseases at the farm, how to diagnose and manage them for better performance at the farm.First, we should define some of the important terms we are going to be using throughout this post.When diagnosing a disease, you can do it on an individual animal or collectively on a herd/flock.There are several ways this can be done. The host then sneezes them out with the microorganism.Goblet cells in the respiratory tract also produces mucus that trap microorganisms that are released through coughing.Failure of these actions will lead to infection of the host due to weakening of the immune system.Infection can also occur when the microorganism develops a special receptor site that they use to attach themselves on the cells.The mouth produces saliva in large amounts, which dilutes whatever gets through the mouth. Palpate these regions (including the testicles) for any irregular swellings/tumors.Check discharges from these regions for any abnormality.Check the animal’s posture and gait. Disease 1. Healthy cows produce optimally and justify the hefty investment associated with dairy farming. (d) Colour—Such as Melanotic tumours in grey horses and red cattle.

They should be frequently checked.

The branch of medicine called veterinary medicine deals with the study, prevention, and treatment of diseases not only in domesticated animals but also in wild animals …
Disease • Is transmitted from infected animals to _____ animals Other secretions such as pus also dislodge microorganisms from the host.Contains cilia that trap big particles e.g. They include feeding, housing, hygiene, milking techniques, stress, as well as hereditary factors.These result from physical injuries, chemicals and irradiation.Primary invaders of the body attacks the host and causes diseases. Such protrusions may indicate presence of gas/fluid accumulation or tumor.You should give the udder special attention. dust. In the clinic setting, the typical treatment (for all but collie-breeds) is ivermectin.

It is a useful technique for diagnosing pregnancy in small animals.Involves listening to sounds produced by the organs.

This is a question and answer forum for students, teachers and general visitors for exchanging articles, answers and notes. to say, it is directly responsible for the production of disease. Immunity can be either natural or acquired.The host is naturally immune to a particular disease or infection (e.g.