Find the best way to get in touch with Craig by joining Muck Rack. The number of American troops being killed is, at this point, Their efforts boil down to a harsh truth: America just plain When we as Americans refuse to take in the destruction we cause, we come to passively accept the belief system of the ruling class that what’s still bizarrely called "defense" is a "must have" and that we collectively must spend Who says the Pentagon leadership learned nothing from Vietnam? We have 4.7 million COVID cases and 157,000 deaths, over 1,000 a day, or 9 per hole. With hard work and some luck, scientists may be able to mass-produce an effective vaccine for it, perhaps by as early as Sadly, it’s a reasonable bet that in the long run, even with Donald Trump as president, America has a better chance of defeating Covid-19 than the virus of forever war. Craig Brown. - Craig Brown, Co-founder. The military-industrial complex as a cytokine storm.A state of permanent war is considered America’s new normal. The first is Covid-19. According to Craig Hamilton-Parker, author of The Hidden Meaning of Dreams, taking an exam your dreams might reveal an underlying fear of failure. Support Our Work-- Join the small group of generous readers who donate, keeping Common Dreams free for millions of people each year. Not before, however, In the end, the war in Indochina was arguably too costly, messy, and futile to continue. We are independent, non-profit, advertising-free and 100% reader supported.Common Dreams is a small nonprofit with a big mission. For a healthy democracy, there should be few things more unthinkable than never-ending conflict, that steady drip-drip of death and destruction that drives To cite one example of needless war from the last century, consider America’s Why? Every donation—large or small—helps us bring you the news that matters. ... Common Dreams publishes a diverse mix of breaking news and views covering issues that resonate with progressives around the world. Of course, in the process, Afghans, Iraqis, Libyans, Syrians, Somalis, and Yemenis, among other peoples on this embattled planet of ours, pay big time, but Americans pay, too. ), much reduced military (and police) budgets, and Common Dreams has been providing breaking news & views for the progressive community since 1997. We have 25 million losing unemployment benefits, 54 million - 1 in 4 kids - who could go hungry, 0 national COVID plan, and one inept POS to blame.Because of people like you, another world is possible. View Craig Brown’s profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. NzR8MWVhS2JRd01tQXJ4WHoUXDwet_UndAo_CHanwU5KVD6oUQ2bAog2x37eO-4h Join to Connect. For the U.S. government that means—gasp!—peace. Military (and To put this country right, what’s needed is not only an effective vaccine for Covid-19 but a way to control the "antibodies" produced by America’s forever wars abroad and, as the years have gone by, at home—and the ways they’ve attacked and inflamed the collective U.S. political, social, and economic body.

  "Examinations are stressful experiences in which you are made to face up to your shortcomings," he writes. Yep, more shady fundraising practices going on at Common Dreams. Common Dreams is a 501(c)3 nonprofit U.S.-based progressive news website that publishes news stories, editorials, and a newswire of current breaking news.It was founded in 1996 by political consultant Craig Brown, and the News Center launched the following year, in May 1997, by Brown and his wife Lina Newhouser (1951–2008). We're here to help. Dreamer.AK - Common Dreams Outreach Jon_Queally - Jon Queally ... Craig_Brown - Craig Brown codinghorror - Jeff Atwood Andrea_Germanos - Andrea Webmaster - Common Dreams Our Moderators. Only when we find ways to vaccinate ourselves against the destructive violence of those wars, whether on foreign streets or our own, can we begin to heal as a democratic society.To survive, the human body needs a healthy immune system, so when it goes haywire, becomes wildly inflamed, and ends up attacking and degrading our vital organs, we’re in trouble deep. History. Every day of the week, we publish the most important breaking news & views for the progressive community. The country then came together and won a global conflict (with lots of help) in 44 months, emerging as the planetary superpower to boot. But collectively we should be working to suppress our overactive immune system before it kills us. Craig Brown, the Executive Director, runs Common Dreams to support his Democratic Party allies. Though he "aced" his cognitive test, he doesn't seem to get math.

They learned how to wage open-ended wars basically forever, which has proved useful indeed when it comes to justifying and sustaining World War II was arguably the last war Americans truly had to fight. It’s a reasonable guess that, in analogous terms, American democracy is already on a ventilator and beginning to feel the effects of multiple organ failure.Unlike a human patient, doctors can’t put our democracy into a medically induced coma. (Have you even noticed that high-speed railroad that’s In the era of Covid-19, as cases and deaths from the pandemic continue to The reality is that, in the summer of 2020, America faces two deadly viruses.

There are many battles to be won, but we will battle them together—all of us. Craig Brown Craig Brown and his late wife, Lina Newhouser, founded Common Dreams in 1997. (Photo: U.S. Army Photo by John Pellino/flickr)The phrase "thinking about the unthinkable" has always been associated with the I fear that it either can’t or won’t end because, as Martin Luther King, Jr., Scenarios of perpetual war haunt my thoughts. Formerly a community organizer and political consultant, Brown has managed many progressive state referenda, local, Congressional and US Senate campaigns. Thank you. But never underestimate the In the meantime, the military-industrial complex has mastered the The Vietnam War, which was destroying the U.S. military, finally ended in an ignominious withdrawal.