I tried to feed him his wet food mixed with kmr, but he only ate a bit but after that his walking improved.

Sudden paralysis of the hind end. I raised her since she was 2 weeks old and she went through my entire pregnancy with me and loved and protected my son. Lack of eating for even a few days can lead to a serious problem called fatty liver or hepatic lipidosis. About a year ago she had a bout with an urinary infection, and since then will not defecate in her litter box(es).

Depression and Lethargy in Cats and Kittens is Often a Symptom of more Serious Problems. Got the dose I was looking for and hopefully my cat will feel better."

The vet that looked at him doesn't know if its indoor or Realized the other cat who shares his food tray tends to eat quickly then steal the rest of Gilligans meal. If your cat's fever reaches over 102 degrees Fahrenheit, take it to see a vet immediately since a fever this high can cause organ damage. The dehydration and her low body temp scare me.

I am thinking of asking the vet tomorrow to ask the lab to test for feline leukaemia.
The longer a cat remains hypothermic, the greater the chance for permanent tissue damage to result as the blood flow was slowed for that length of time. I don't know how much more of the cost I can support hey breaks my heart to see her in this Situation.

I'm wondering if her low body temp is causing the poop problem. He was wobbly (like he's shivering too) when he walked. Hypothermia in Cats.

Thank you." He has several scabs from scratching and his ears are really red.

Septic shock related to an intestinal leakage or infection of the blood can cause a feline to go into shock and suffer a lower core temperature. Yes, it sounds like she has a fever. This is very concerning. I’d had him on two kinds of raw food, one frozen and one dehydrated plus home made bone broth.

Brian has over 19 years of veterinary experience and earned his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from Cornell University.

She vomited a second time with just pink fluid no foam.

I'm hoping the SubQ will hold her over for a bit until she's feeling a bit better (hopefully that WILL happen)  I've never seen a cat look so sick. my cat is an indoor cat, but she is a rescue and from what I know Her previous owner sometimes let her out in the backyard.


was the first sign.

Active internal treatment is used in severe cases of hypothermia, as the veterinarian will warm the feline from the inside out.

The vet that looked at him doesn't know if its indoor or

Hoping there is no obstruction or perforation.
Whether it’s you or your cat, having a fever isn’t necessarily a bad thing. When clicking a link here and buying, we may be able to make a small commission, at no additional cost to you.

Sometimes the fever comes first and other symptoms develop further down the line. My cat was recently diagnosed with feline herpes; she's very congested and has a fever of 104; the vet prescribed her two antibiotics and Lysine supplements. He lets you pet him and usually stays close to us but for 2 days he has distanced himself. "I was worried about the use of aspirin with my cat. So we’ve tried keeping things warm here but Grayson and Oreo we just had to learn cpr and we saved them for now the water bottle is warming them up really good I’m doing kangaroo care to keep their breathing in check gonna be a long nightMy 11 year old female cat is constantly sleeping on the heat registers, burrowing in blankets, and cuddling with our legs. I have a 7 month old kitten. The xrays showed fluid around his heart and his lungs..they started him on furosemide, which ive learned via the internet, is a diuretic for CHF, but the vets just said it would help him breathe..are they waiting for the labs to come back for a more positive result?

I'm just wondering about the subcutaneous fluid...how effective is it at helping a dehydrated cat? She slept all nigh, and all morning even with the other cars playing around him.

Let her find her own comfortable spot. I'm more calm and realize that this isn't quite that much of an emergency, and it makes me feel better."

He gave him a topical treatment that lasts x three months to kill fleas and flea eggs. "It was great to have an article of reference seeing as it's Saturday and I would have to take my cat to an animal I do think with your kitten being lethargic it would be a good idea to have him examined by your veterinarian. I was glad to find it, it was exactly what I needed. Cats that ingest ivermectin (a parasite medication), paracetamol (acetaminophen), rat poisoning, or other toxic substances can experience blood loss and low heart rate, resulting in a low body temperature. Could she have a fever? Left …

He is eating some food so I'm trying not to worry." Fever A physical examination of the feline is also a very helpful diagnostic tool for the veterinarian as symptoms such as shivering, blue mucous membranes, and a weak appearance are clear warning signs of hypothermia.

Now on day three and they’re all very active and crawling everywhere and even out of the container I had them in so I had to place something on top to keep them in. I didn't notice anything abnormal about her behavior, she was keeping to herself a bit after we arrived but I figured she might be avoiding the dogs. on the 6th day she started showing fever so they hospitalized her for 2 days with IV And antibiotics. Items are sold by the retailer, not Wag!.My kitten is 5 months old. I’ve also been covering him with a light wool sweater as he sleeps on my bed and done some loving hands on healing. After reading the symptoms I knew that my cat is sick and has a fever." Anyways the closest thing to a diagnosis we have is that she more than likely is suffering from FHM.