We are working with provinces and territories to explore possibilities for expanding the AgriInsurance program to include labour shortages as an eligible risk for the horticulture sector.

We are providing wage support for up to 75% of wages for individuals working in universities and health institutes, for a maximum of $847 per week per employee.This will ensure that universities and health research institutes can retain research staff.We are covering up to 75% of total eligible costs for research activities, and will support activities such as the safe storage of dangerous substances, and restarting data sets that were interrupted during the pandemic.This will ensure that universities and health research institutes maintain essential research activities and return to full research operations once back to normal.We are accelerating $2.2 billion in annual federal infrastructure funding for communities through the Gas Tax Fund. We have enabled Farm Credit Canada to provide an additional $5 billion in lending to producers, agribusinesses, and food processors. The Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions announced it is We are providing $50 million to help farmers, fish harvesters, and all food production and processing employers, put in place the measures necessary to follow the mandatory 14-day isolation period required of all workers arriving from abroad. Typically, the agreement indicates that you and your lender have agreed to pause or suspend your mortgage payments for a certain amount of time. The funding is conditional on employers not being found in violation of the mandatory isolation. We are launching the Fish Harvester Benefit, to provide income support for this year’s fishing seasons to eligible self-employed fish harvesters and sharespersons crew who cannot access the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy.

The one-time payment to persons with disabilities would be adjusted to provide a top-up for eligible seniors, including:We are providing a taxable benefit of $1,250 every 4 weeks to eligible students or $2,000 to eligible students with dependents or with disability who are not eligible for the Canada Emergency Response Benefit or Employment Insurance or unable to work due to COVID-19. You can also look for employment opportunities through the We are allowing businesses, including self-employed individuals, to defer until June 30, 2020 payments of the GST/HST, as well as customs duty owing on their imports.Any GST/HST payment that becomes owing from March 27 until the end of May can be deferred until the end of June. The funding is conditional on employers not being found in violation of the mandatory isolation. Of these additional funds, $117 million will reach more community-owned First Nation, Inuit and Métis businesses including microbusinesses, who are not eligible for existing business support measures. We announced a new stimulus development fund that will provide $16 million to support the Indigenous tourism industry. We are allowing businesses, including self-employed individuals, to defer until June 30, 2020 payments of the GST/HST, as well as customs duty owing on their imports.Any GST/HST payment that becomes owing from March 27 until the end of May can be deferred until the end of June.

We are proposing to protect jobs and safe operations of junior mining exploration and other flow-through share issuers, by extending the timelines for spending the capital they raise via flow-through shares by 12 months.With the impacts of COVID-19 on operations, this would mean that companies would be allowed additional time to incur eligible expenses, allowing them to safely plan when to best continue operations, while allowing them to avoid costs from not meeting original flow-through share timelines.This initiative would protect the good, well-paying jobs that many Canadians depend on, including those in rural, remote, northern and Indigenous communities.We invested $350 million to support vulnerable Canadians through charities and non-profit organizations that deliver essential services to those in need.We are providing $100 million to national, regional, and local organizations across Canada to:We are contributing $9 million through United Way Canada for local organizations to support practical services to Canadian seniors.