They also help boost calves’ rates of gain so are worth the money and effort to use them. - Duration: 4:21. You have to balance various factors to decide when to calve: earlier calves will have higher weaning weights but greater losses due to scours or pneumonia. Treatment can include fluid and electrolyte replacement, administration of probiotics, warmth, and careful use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents for their anti-toxin properties. It can be seen in calves as young as one day old. About the only good news with coccidia is that it is species-specific; that is, chickens can not spread their coccidiosis to calves and so on. • It is important to understand how calves react to people so that rearers’ management practices can be changed accordingly. Numerous commercial disinfectants are available through veterinarians, farm supply stores and catalogs. He is eating the amount he should now for his weight. It is a multifactorial disease, and the most common post-mortem diagnosis in calves between one to five months of age. Although good sanitation practices will help control some outbreaks of Diagnosis of Salmonellosis is by fecal culture. We did buy a different kind of milk last week because we changed suppliers. Regardless of the cause, diarrhea prevents the absorption of fluids from the intestines; also, body fluids pass from the scouring calfs body into the intestines. After the pairs are reunited, the hungry calves nurse heavily; the consumption of a large meal of milk overwhelms the capacity of the calf’s stomach and undigested milk passes directly through the intestinal tract and causes white scours. Depending on an animal’s immune status, vaccination history, type of virus involved and other factors, signs of BVD can range from chronic poor-doers to malformed calves to a herd outbreak of severe bloody diarrhea and death. A 10% bleach solution is an excellent disinfectant, but dirt or feces deactivate bleach, so the surface must be cleaned thoroughly with soap and water first. Strange thing though - we bought some alfalfa hay and neither calf will eat it - they want the generic hay???? Cough is gone. The type of vaccine used and the timing of vaccination is crucial; BVD outbreaks have occurred despite a herd history of vaccination. He does not seem to be sucking as hard on his bottle as he was. D-13 calf coughing/scours Nov 30, 2010 13:49:42 GMT -5 .

Sick calves should be isolated from the rest of the herd, and healthy animals should be tended to first. He has also developed a clear runny nose. Member since: Sept 13, 2007 12:49:47 GMT -5 Age: Posts: 1,592. Work with your veterinarian to design specific prevention and control programs for your herd.Many parts of the U.S. are deficient in Selenium. These facts explain why milk is the worst thing to feed to a scouring calf.Severely dehydrated and depressed calves may need sterile intravenous, subcutaneous or intraperitoneal fluids to survive. Good biosecury, hygiene and proper nutrition for the dam and calf are imperative. Through fecal, blood and tissue cultures and more complicated procedures, it is often possible to determine the cause of an outbreak. I have not noticed a runny noise or eyes. DocTalk 7,369 … We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. Share Thread. Feces often contain mucous and calves may also show signs of respiratory illness. My husband is out of town and I just don't think I can hold him down and give the injection myself. Calves get over the diarrhea, but in a severe case there s so much intestinal damage that the calf may lose weight and won t start gaining again for a while.