Alexander Lukashenko A rival poll by the Eurasian Barometer Institute saw Mr Lukashenko on 80.3 per cent, while Ms Korotkevich in second place … Nikolai "Kolya" Aleksandrovich Lukashenko (Russian: Николай Александрович Лукашенко, Belarusian: Мікалай Лукашэнка - Mikalai Lukashenka; born 31 August 2004) is a Belarusian public figure and the third son of Alexander Lukashenko, the President of Belarus.. "Lukashenko was one of ten candidates registered for the presidential election held in Belarus on 19 December 2010. Lukashenko heads an authoritarian regime in Belarus.Lukashenko went to Alexandria secondary school. Alexander Lukashenko and his youngest son Nikolai during a Great Patriotic War victory parade in 2012. Biography

Many were sent to prison, often on charges of organizing a mass disturbance. Alexander Lukashenko, Lukashenko also spelled Lukashenka, (born August 30, 1954, Kopys, Vitebsk oblast, Belorussia, U.S.S.R. [now in Belarus]), Belarusian politician who espoused communist principles and who became president of the country in 1994.. Lukashenko graduated from the Mogilyov Teaching Institute and the Belarusian Agricultural Academy. However, the legislature is dominated by his supporters in any event, and there is no substantive opposition to presidential decisions. Later that year, his oldest son, Viktor, was born. In response to a question about Belarus's domestic policies, President In 2015, Lukashenko sought to improve trade relations between Belarus and Latin America.In 1995, Lukashenko was accused of making a remark which has been construed to be in praise of On 4 March 2012, two days after EU leaders (including openly gay German Foreign Minister Independent polling is tightly restricted in Belarus.According to a leaked internal poll, a third of the population had trust in Lukashenko.Lukashenko believes that the president should be a conservative person and avoid using modern electronic gadgets such as an iPad or iPhone.Lukashenko started training in cross-country running as a child, and in the 2000s still competed at the national level.

Just over three weeks later, he was In August 2018, Lukashenko fired his prime minister In August 2019, Lukashenko met with former Kyrgyz President Over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, he undertook two working visits to With the gaining to the power of Lukashenko in 1994, the Since the November 1996 referendum, Lukashenko has effectively held all governing power in the nation.

Their second son, Dmitry, was born in 1980. He also supported economic reforms, including the privatization of some state companies and… Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree.... ... Lukashenko also has an illegitimate son named Nikolai.

By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica.Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. His decrees have greater weight than ordinary legislation. In the 9 September 2001 election, Lukashenko faced During a televised address to the nation on 7 September 2004, Lukashenko announced plans for a referendum to eliminate presidential term limits. Features  Among other things he promoted closer ties with Russia and in the succeeding years signed a number of agreements with Russian President In 1999 Lukashenko and Yeltsin succeeded in signing a In 1926 there were 21,558 Jews in Babruysk or 42% of the town's population; by 1989, they numbered just over 4% and by 1999 a mere 0.6%. Having acquired a reputation as an eloquent opponent of corruption, Lukashenko was elected in April 1993 to serve as the interim chairman of the anti-corruption committee of the Belarusian parliament.After the referendum, Lukashenko convened a new parliamentary assembly from those members of the parliament who were loyal to him.Lukashenko blamed foreign governments for conspiring against him and, in April 1998, expelled ambassadors from the Drazdy complex near Under the original constitution, Lukashenko should have been up for reelection in 1999. Check out Britannica's new site for parents! Lukashenko married Galina Zhelnerovich, his high school sweetheart, in 1975. Get exclusive access to content from our 1768 First Edition with your subscription. History at your fingertips

Belarusian politician, current President of Belarus"Contemporary Belarus: Between Democracy and Dictatorship" (London: RoutledgeCurzon, 2003), with R. Marsh and C. LawsonStandish, M J A (11 January 2006). Previously, Lukashenko had been limited to two terms and thus would have been constitutionally required to step down after the presidential elections in 2006.After Lukashenko confirmed he was running for re-election in 2005, opposition groups began to seek a single candidate. He also has near-absolute control over government spending; parliament can only increase or decrease spending with his permission. Lukashenko's repression of opponents caused him to be called "Europe's last dictator" and resulted in the EU imposing visa sanctions on him and a range of Belarusian officials. Though originally envisaged for 2011, an earlier date was approved "to ensure the maximum participation of citizens in the electoral campaign and to set most convenient time for the voters".On election day, two presidential candidates were seriously beaten by policeSeveral of the opposition candidates, along with their supporters and members of the media, were arrested.

This article was most recently revised and updated by Lukashenko improved relations with the EU in 2008 when he agreed to the release of several political prisoners, including Kazulin, and appeared to adopt a more tolerant attitude toward the nongovernmental media.