They might advise you yo lie about insident when reporting to police , telling you tosay your property was stolen on street so ur indurance would pay. Do not go there, I would rather go to any dangerous third world country at night rather than to go back to that hellhole.
I've been living in Brussels for some time now and have been pickpocketed once. When I tried to report crime, they said I had to go to a police station. In any big city you need to exercise caution. Cars are stolen, homes are invaded while people are at home... lots of muggings... women are constantly followed while shopping... Just arrived in brussels when 3 african guys suddenly pushed me against the wall with a knife out, took all I had, when I went to the police they all ignored me, one police officer threatened me after i insisted they did something, and they aggressively made me leave.
Or take your money and passport in such a place inside your body so that no body can take without killing you. I have tried to call my country's embassy but proximus blocked my phone as i had not paid for my subscription. Les numéros de mise en relation sont tous occupés pour le moment, merci de ré-essayer dans quelques instants
Then he tried to show me how to tackle by trying forcing his leg between my legs. I tried to take a taxi back to the station but everything was congested due to terrible traffic which is usual in brussels. People say as a tourist onw needs to be careful, well if someone steals at gun point or has balls to steal through 15mm glass window , i say " please don't go to Brussels ".We were travelling from Amsterdam to Luxembourg and had 2 hand baggages and three strolleys.We had to switch from Thalys to the local train at Brussels Midi. Unbelievable; Please be warned! Lots of smart thieves around!Beware of thieves inside restaurants in Brussels central locations. Les numéros de mise en relation sont tous occupés pour le moment, merci de ré-essayer dans quelques instants* Ce numéro valable pendant 3 minutes n’est pas le numéro du destinataire mais le numéro d’un service permettant la mise en relation avec celui-ci. Friday evening me and my friend which lives in Brussels walked down the big main avenue nearby Grand Place, two guys approached us talking of celebrating Algerian football match, did the leg wrap trick on my friend and snatched his phone. As an elderly lady using stick. At the same time a third person opened the back off side door and jumped in and stole my handbag from my front seat. that's it. But that was not it. Identifiez vos entreprises cœur de cible et accédez aux coordonnées des décideurs
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I hoped to visit in March 2020. Veuillez afiner votre recherche en (Localisation + Quoi, qui ? The walk down to the police station was quite fun, as was the trip to Decathlon to get a better bike and a heavy duty lock.Inner & central Brussels has become increasingly dirty and poorer in the 13 years I've been visiting the city.
we called the police and they took 2 hours to reach.
* Ce numéro, valable 3 minutes, n’est pas le numéro du destinataire mais le numéro d’un service permettant la mise en relation avec celui-ci.Ce service est édité par Kompass. I always get curious stares and have people approaching me but this is the first time I felt truly unsafe and vulnerable. They cannot give security to tourist. Ruined the experience. Wish I read this prior to booking. I felt so discomfort and when I tried to leave him, he again hold my hand and did the trick again as if he was asking me to do something funny. I had no identification or money so instead of taking care of me they threw me out on the pavement where I was profusely bleeding.
I wish I wouldn’t had smiled at those people. We now have no visa and we will have to go back as earliest. With 150+ adventure activities covered and 24/7 emergency assistance.How is the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic affecting travel to Belgium? Obtenez des données d’entreprises du même secteur d’activités en quelques clics
As an elderly lady using stick. Then the same guy started running behind me and I was kind of ignoring him until he showed my phone in his hand. Everything smells like piss and full of garbage, people smell awful and are rude and cold as hell. Email address While I was trying on the shoes I saw outside again one of the men from that same group and he appeared to be looking for someone with the rest of the group joining him too. I kept on going and entered a shoe shop. There's little reason for you to go into these cities, but if you do keep an eye on your belongings and stick to well-lit, crowded areas.One of the most convenient ways to get to and around Belgium is by train, so you're likely to spend a fair bit of time in its train stations. But short of Brussels Schuman a young boy came in with a Midi Ticket and started asking something in the local language ,we had heard of the distractions thieves create and we protecting our purses and pockets. Take care in Brussels. Since I haven’t had any bad experience living in Brussels for almost an year I thought it would be nice to meet new people and therefore I smiled at them and one of those guys gave me a Hi-5 and then hold my hand and did some trick with his leg on to my right leg while he was holding my left hand. Politique générale de protection des données à caractère personnel
A long large yellow van pulled up along closely by the side of my car ( UK reg plates- right hand drive) and a man started aggressively shouting at me, first in Belgian and then in English, that my car was parked in the wrong place. Home to the tastiest waffles, chocolate and beer around, pack your stretch pants and make your way to these Belgian cities. Wraps his leg around you and steals my phone from my behind and runs away. Veuillez indiquer vos identifiants de connexion
They ran in front of actual police officers and they did nothing about it. They will try and lure you somewhere unsafe. It’s disgusting, my third visit to Brussels and I saw someone getting robbed by coaches on both previous visits. Agroalimentaire; Chimie, Plastique, Santé; Construction, Bâtiment, Bois, Habitat It was traumatic that immediately we decided to pack up and fly home.