As a responsible neighbour, Bath Spa University expects that students and staff adhere to our parking Terms and Conditions and park their cars in designated University car parks, or find alternative methods of travel to campus.In all cases where cars are parked illegally Bath Spa University will support local residents, the Police and local authorities to take all reasonable and legal measures against motorists that infringe parking restrictions.1.1 The University allows the Permit Holder to access and use the Campuses and Car Parks in accordance with these Terms and Conditions, in return, the Permit Holder must abide by and perform the obligations under the Conditions and indemnify the University for any damage that the Permit Holder causes while in the Car Park.1.2 The decision of the University to permit anyone to enter any Campus is final. However, lighting is switched off after the last buses have returned and any vehicles are left inside entirely at the owner’s risk.All sites (except Lyde Green Park & Ride) are locked and any cars locked in will be subject to a release fee. The University is not liable for personal injury or death other than that resulting out of the University’s negligence.1.17 Persons parking on Campuses are requested to respect other drivers, adhere to signage, and park in designated bays while on Campuses.All students eligible to park on University Campuses need to obtain a valid permit. Visitors to Sion Hill should report to reception where staff will issue a permit.Payments for both the pay & display on the day and validation one day tickets can be made:Staff in Newton Park Main House reception are able to issue permits.Visitors to Sion Hill should report to reception where staff will issue a permit.Staff should check with visitors that they have displayed their permit and parked correctly.Yes, loading bays are clearly marked on the car parking maps of both Newton Park and Sion Hill campuses. On arrival – at Newton Park all visitors should stop at the Security Lodge where they will be issued with a permit. Staff should use the We don’t provide a car parking space for all potential users and having a permit does not guarantee you to a parking space.Failure to abide by these Terms and Conditions for motor vehicle parking may result in the withdrawal of the Motor Vehicle Parking Permit. The roads in the centre of Bath are packed and the parking expensive - it really makes sense to get the park n ride, which has a large parking area just out of town. No other Validation Parking Permit (Student or Staff) will be accepted at Corsham Court.1.11 Staff Permits are valid for use at any Campus (i.e. Parking on the Campuses is done so entirely at the owner's risk, the University accepts no responsibility for any theft of vehicles, or any loss from, or damage to vehicles parked on the Campuses. In the case of Corsham Court, only Staff are permitted to park on campus (subject to these Terms and Conditions).1.3 The Newton Park Campus is shown on Plan 1, Sion Hill Campus is shown on Plan 2 and Corsham Court is shown on Plan 3.1.4 Vehicles must only be parked in designated parking spaces as shown in the Terms and Conditions Plans (see link below) or as otherwise clearly signed by the University, the only exception being Liveried Bath Spa University Vehicles in the exceptional circumstances set out in 6.1 below.1.5 Motorcycles and scooters should be parked in designated motorcycle parking areas. This allows for the parking of Liveried Vehicles outside of marked bays, but only for the purpose of carrying out University duties that genuinely require the vehicle to be parked close to a place of work, and only when a Liveried Vehicle Bay or General Parking Bay is not available within a reasonable distance of the place of work.7.1 Staff who have not obtained a Blue Badge, but who consider they have mobility issues (either permanent or temporary) that require them to park close to the place they work can apply to the University for a Disability Permit. Bristol City Council retains the right to charge for the call out service.You are able to collect your vehicle at the Lyde Green Park & Ride past closing time, but please be aware that the maximum stay is 12 hours (no limit on Sundays and Public Holidays).When there are travel updates related to the Bath Park & Ride services, these will appear below.Some services may be operating a reduced timetable. This park and ride offers bus services directly to the centre of Bath, and the University (Open Days only). Hosting Staff are also responsible for providing their visitor with an Authorised Visitor Permit, or ensure they are made aware of the need to display a valid Pay and Display Ticket. An African Foot Bath will get you a foot and lower leg massage using shea butter and a hot towel wrap, or you can opt for a typical Thai massage with stretching and compression movements.