Thankyou!I’m in the program currently right now.

Each student may select any two ME electives to satisfy the requirements of ME elective courses.

I’m really glad I chose this program, especially because it is the fastest route for me to complete the DPD. Your Bama Brags...don't be shy! I am planning on applying to the bama by distance dietetics program this year...any advice that you all may have for the application process and preparation for the program would be greatly appreciated! It’s very tough, which a lot of people expect online programs not to be. View our selection of undergraduate degrees through Bama By Distance at The University of Alabama. I work full-time and take classes part-time and the classes are definitely a lot of work, but it is not overwhelming as long as you plan accordingly.

… Like the previous commenter said the distance dietetic student association is very active and it’s a great way to meet other students. Im also doing a second bachelor’s.I’m really enjoying it! Also, as for the textbooks, would you recommend that I buy/rent all the ‘required’ textbooks? array of course-based tutorial sessions, the When it comes to doing research, distance learners have a vast amount of full-text I started it last summer and will be finishing December 2020! The sex on those monthly visits though, so good. Almost all of the time, I never really end up using the required textbooks but unless exams will extract questions from the textbooks, I’m iffy on blowing all this money on books.

On the go. It will be my second bachelor’s degree (first one is in biology). Technical support is also available to keep you up and I've done a lot of my program by distance, and when I compare it to my husband's distance education, this program is so so much better. I don’t really have a sense of what to expect from doing dietetics courses completely online as my undergrad degree was a traditional education where I attended lectures in-person.

Like nutritional biochemistry or nutrition at the cell level.
Question for all you 2nd bachelor students.. did you apply … I'm taking only 2 to 3 classes at a time so I've been there since Aug 2016 and my projected grad date is May 2021 and now I'm totally into Bama football, I'm totally into everything Bama. :)Hi!

Even before you are enrolled, there is a Student Services Admissions Counselor available to answer questions and help you navigate through the system.

I know I’ve heard about it but had never gotten around to looking into itI'm in the program too! I’ve taken online courses before and what’s great about this program is there is actually real interaction with your classmates and professors. I am planning on applying to the bama by distance dietetics program this year...any advice that you all may have for the application Trevon Diggs ready for Cowboys’ training camp after summer practices with brother Stefon Diggs Is it possible to take 5 classes a semester?Hey! 3 years ago.

10 in US, No. Distance learning means you can complete college courses and earn a degree without having to visit campus regularly. I don’t really have a … Also, I haven't heard of anyone having issues because it was a distance online program.

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Close. I’m full time and intern part timeI'm in the graduate program at UA, and I had a bachelor's in biology as well! I’m in the program currently right now. I have a UA license plate, I have a Roll Tide wreath on my house's door right now, everyone at work knows I am a student there. Hi!

Best of luck!Hi all! I started it last … !New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castA place for current and future nutrition professionals to discuss all aspects of the profession.Press J to jump to the feed.