Maya Panvell, Terry Chiazza Lord, it is through Your amazing grace and incredible love that I am who I am, a sinner saved by grace through faith in Christ Jesus my Lord and Saviour.Lord have mercy on me and my Generations,make me a blessing to my Generation, Let Your Grace abide with me and my Generation, Let not the foot of pride come against me, let not your Grace depart from me...fill my soul with sufficient and divine Grace...Let your divine grace help me radiate your Glory...give me Wisdom,Knwoledge and Understanding to hold on to your Grace...let your Grace Abide with me forever God. How we praise You, our God and Saviour. The Grace Prayer is based on Paul's prayer at the end of 2 Corinthians 13: - May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. And so, I come to You to ask for Your abundant grace and never-failing strength, so that I may face life’s difficulties with confidence, knowing that Your grace is sufficient to deal with every eventuality, for Your strength is made perfect in our weaknesses.How I praise You that Your good purposes towards Your children never change. Lord, You are so rich in mercy and grace, love and forgiveness, and I pray that I may be empowered to forgive others as Christ forgave me, unconditionally and without any resentment or hidden hurt.Dear Lord Jesus, I thank You for my life and for becoming my Saviour.

Lyrics to 'A Prayer For Grace' by Morgan Harper Nichols. Heavenly Father, You have promised to supply all our needs according to Your riches in glory in Christ Jesus, and I come to You today as I am facing some difficult financial times and am asking You to furnish me with both the finances I need, and Your sufficient grace to go through this difficult time in my life. Teach me to understand Your ways and grant me wisdom I pray, to live my life in a way that is pleasing and honouring to You.Heavenly Father, I come to You once again to draw on Your sufficient grace which You have promised to all Your children, and I pray that You would give me Your perfect peace, to guard my heart in these very difficult days.Heavenly Father, in a world that is becoming more and more alienated from You and increasingly critical of others people, I ask for Your grace and understanding so that I may live godly in Christ Jesus and not be adversely affected by the divisions and disunity that seem to be infiltrating the church body as well as the secular world system.Loving Heavenly Father, thank You that You have given us all that we need for life and godliness, but Lord, I also pray that You would grant me godly wisdom and the sufficient grace to navigate my way through life, in the power of the Holy Spirit.Loving Lord and Heavenly Father, we are gathered here to celebrate this special day and thank You for the marriage vows that have been exchanged between the bride and groom.Loving Lord, I thank and praise You for my job and my place of work. Thank You, that You have promised to finish a good work in me and to carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus, to Your praise and glory.Dear Lord Jesus, we thank You for our family and friends and the opportunity of joining together in this time of family worship as we lift up our voices in joyful praise and thanksgiving for all Your goodness and grace to us. also provides videos with Amazing Grace lyrics, singles, album information and reviews. VERSE 2 As day unfolds, I seek Your will In all of life’s demands If I could make just one request that would mark all the days I have left, I'd rather not Album Let this be our prayer, when we lose our way Lead us to a place, guide us with your grace To a place where we'll be safe La luce che tu hai I pray we'll find your light Nel cuore restera And hold it in our hearts. I know that You have said that as far as the east is from the west, so far have You removed my sin from me, and yet I find that my joy in believing is often cut short as I doubt that it cannot possible be true.Heavenly Father, as the advancing years become increasingly evident in my sagging body, decreasing speed and dwindling strength, as well as my various memory lapses, I pray that You would give me the wisdom to embrace my advancing years with grace and enthusiasm, rather than view it as something to dread.Dear God, I want to be forgiven.