(This version of the story was corrected throughout to show cabinet was named by the prime minister not the president) Somalia's newly appointed Prime Minister Hassan Ali Khaire attends the Parliament seating where he was confirmed in Somalia's capital Mogadishu March 1, 2017. Ethiopia's new prime minister names new cabinet [List of ministers approved] | Goobjooge.net: Somali News, Somalia news Analysis. The Council meets weekly on Thursdays in Mogadishu. Omar, a dual British-Somali national, was head of the BBC’s Somali language service. Other appointments included Abdi Farah Juha, a political novice who was named interior minister. Somalia 21.08.2018. The president of Somalia (Somali: Madaxaweynaha Soomaaliya) is the head of state of Somalia.The president is also commander-in-chief of the Somali Armed Forces.The president represents the Federal Republic of Somalia, and the unity of the Somali nation, as well as ensuring the implementation of the Constitution of Somalia and the organised and harmonious functioning of the organs of state. GAROWE, Puntland - President of Somalia's northeastern semi-autonomous region of Puntland Abdiweli Mohamed Ali "Gaas" has unveiled his new cabinet on Monday, reinstating former ministers into the line-up, Garowe Online reports. 12:44 Somalia: Farmajo chairs Cabinet meeting in … This is a list of Prime Ministers of Somalia.The Prime Minister of Somalia (Somali: Ra'iisul wasaaraha Soomaaliya) is the head of government of Somalia.There have been 18 official prime ministers since the office was created in 1956. Hassan Ali Khaire, who was appointed to the post by President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed last month, read out his list of cabinet ministers to reporters. MOGADISHU (Reuters) - Somalia’s new prime minister named a 26-strong cabinet on Tuesday, including a former foreign affairs chief as finance minister and a BBC journalist as the country’s top diplomat. Over the past several years, it has faced an insurgency by al Qaeda-linked al Shabaab, which the government is battling with the help of regional troops. REUTERS/Feisal Omar Somalia’s parliament impeached the country’s Prime Minister in a surprise vote on 25 July, as the Horn of Africa nation prepares for elections in early 2021. The PM has made the announcement to fill the months-long vacant positions.1 - Hassan Moalim Hussein - Minister of Religious Affairs1 - Isack Mohamed Mohamud - deputy Interior minister1 - Dahir Abdi Abdullahi - State minister for Trade and IndustryThe new ministers include Dahir Mohamud Gelle, the current Somali Ambassador to Saudi Arabia who held the post in the past during last transitional government led by Sharif Sheikh Ahmed 2009-2012.Khaire, who is a former executive of British energy explorer Soma Oil & Gas has been in office since February 2017 after President Farmajo picked him as the country's prime minister.The issue of the security is the main concern of the public as they celebrate the Eid Al-Adha...The independent news Web site GaroweOnline.com is the online sister publication of Radio Garowe, a community radio station based in Garowe, the State capital of Puntland, a self-governing region in northern Somalia Khaire was the former country director of the British company, Soma Oil and Gas. Somalia leaders mark Eid Al Adha with prayers and greetings. There may be additional meetings if circumstances require it. Somalia: Slain minister laid to rest in state funeral.

Somalia 24.03.2019. President Mohamed has pledged to his people that the era of al Shabaab and other Islamist militant groups was over, promising the group’s fighters “a good life” if they surrendered. Somali PM Hassan Ali Khaire On Tuesday, the prime minister named Abdirahman Duale Beyle as his finance minister and Yusuf Garaad Omar as foreign minister. Khaire’s ministerial list will be put before the parliament for approval in the coming days. Somalia has been in turmoil since 1991, hit by decades of conflict at the hands of clan militias. His own appointment by the president was controversial, because U.N. sanctions experts had previously accused Soma of paying Somalia’s oil ministry nearly $600,000 to protect a 2013 exploration contract. Beyle, a former economist at the African Development Bank, served as foreign minister from 2014 to 2015. President Mohamed was sworn in last month after unseating Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, whose administration faced public and Western criticism for corruption scandals. Britain’s Serious Fraud Office investigated but found insufficient evidence to prosecute. 18:25 The country's top leaders attended the national burial of the minister at the State House. The first Prime Minister was Abdullahi Issa, who served prior to independence in the Trust Territory of Somaliland.