The two discuss Diego's anti-bubble theory as well as volatility and correlation. Oil, gold, bitcoin and the likelihood of a big devaluation of the yuan all come under the microscope.David Rosenberg joins Grant for a discussion that ranges from the lessons Rosie learned from Black Monday to the strange disconnect currently evident between economic data and market reaction. He began his career in the Japanese equity market in the mid-1980s, before a three-year posting to Tokyo in early 1989 ensured he had a ringside seat for the madness that occurred in the Land of the Rising Sun as the twin bubbles in equities and real estate burst simultaneously and spectacularly at the end of 1989. Grant Williams has spent more than 30 years in the finance industry. The era of Too Big To Fail began against a backdrop of destruction – the destruction of certainty. Grant Williams, much to his dismay, has logged over 30 years in finance. Join me and a series of very special guests to discuss the crazy world in which we suddenly find ourselves. You can get in touch with us at Author & Publisher, Things That Make You Go Hmmm… Much to his chagrin, Grant Williams has reached 30 years in finance. Well, your year’s subscription to Things That Make You Go Hmmm… gets you 22 editions of Grant’s wildly popular newsletter. The following is an excerpt of Grant Williams' free weekly newsletter "Things That Make You Go Hmmm..." Click HERE to subscribe. Equity and bond markets, currencies, commodities and, of course, politics and policy will all come under the microscope with the opportunity for you to ask questions in the live Q&A.Grant is joined by Neil Howe, head of demography at Hedgeye and co-author of The Fourth Turning for a discussion around generational change. From humble beginnings in 2009, Things That Make You Go Hmmm... has grown to become one of the most popular and widely-read financial publications in the world. How does one position one's portfolio amidst uncertainty like that of today and what does the end game have in store for investors? Bond prices could only go up (they didn’t), deregulation was key to a healthy banking sector and a rosy future (it wasn’t – ultimately), the U.S. economy would grow strongly for years to come (it didn’t) and inflation was completely under control (it wasn’t). Search for Over that period, he has held senior positions at a number of investment banks and brokers in locations as diverse as London, Tokyo, New York, Hong Kong, Sydney and Singapore.Grant is a senior advisor to Matterhorn Asset Management AG in Switzerland, a portfolio and strategy advisor to Vulpes Investment Management in Singapore and also one of the founders of A regular speaker at investment conferences across the globe, Grant blends history and humour with keen financial insight to produce unique presentations which have been enthusiastically received by audiences everywhere.From humble beginnings in 2009, Things That Make You Go Hmmm... has grown to become one of the most popular and widely-read financial publications in the world.Subscribe today to join Grant on a walk around the fringes of finance - your view of financial markets will never be the same again. Canada, Europe, the US plus commodities, high-yield bonds and the investment Rosie calls a 'no-brainer' all come under the microscope...Peter Zeihan joins Grant for an extraordinary tour of the world’s shifting geopolitical tectonic plates. Steve discusses inflation hedges, the likelihood of a Fourth Turning and explains why gold is a 'no-brainer'.Steph Pomboy of MacroMavens offers her thoughts on the Fed's move into junk, the alarming outlook for unemployment and the deficit, the problems posed by the 'New Corporate Normal' and Trump's propensity to default on the US debt...Ned Naylor-Leyland, Simon Mikhailovich, David Fergusson, Egon von Greyerz and Ronni Stoferle discuss the economic environment, what policy action means for gold, the possibility of inflation and the landscape for investing in precious metal mining stocks...John Hussman, Ph.D discusses his valuation framework, the problematic 12-year expected equity returns, the most likely inflation outcome and shows why we're a long way from a slam-dunk buying opportunity.Marc Cohodes pulls no punches talking about his battles against fraudulent companies explains his tactics for trading short and tells us why he’s long Camping World.Luke Gromen & Brent Johnson offer their contrasting thoughts on the likely path of the dollar, the upheaval it will cause no matter which of them proves to be correct, and what it means for gold.A reflective, engaging and brutally honest Hugh Hendry returns to talk about his personal journey, his thoughts on an environment perfect for his former strategies, and how to manage the kind of stress enveloping investors in today's marketsPippa Malmgren kicks off the 2020 Hmmminar Series with a fascinating conversation about a possible once-in-a-lifetime solution to the global debt burden, the political landscape in the US and the likely return of inflation. Tune in and find out...Grant is joined by Diego Parrilla of Quadriga Asset Managers, author of The Anti-Bubbles and co-author of The Energy World is Flat. Grant is joined by Diego Parrilla of Quadriga Asset Managers, author of The Anti-Bubbles and co-author of The Energy World is Flat. What does Covid-19 mean for politics and has it merely been an accelerant to an already-unfolding crisis?

Grant also writes the popular investment letter Things That Make You Go Hmmm....., which is available to subscribers. The following is an excerpt of Grant Williams' free weekly newsletter "Things That Make You Go Hmmm..." Click HERE to subscribe.. He is a co-founder of Real Vision, and the author of the Things That Make You Go Hmmm … investment newsletter.

Peter identifies likely winners, potential losers and key countries’ strengths and weaknesses in the pre- and post-Covid world.Jesse Felder, publisher of The Felder Report and the host of Superinvestors & The Art Of Worldy Wisdom podcast joins Grant for a wide-ranging discussion covering retail vs institutional money flows, the disconnect between economic reality and market perception, currencies, gold and lockdown facial grooming.Peter Atwater rounds out The 2020 Hmmminar Series with a fascinating look at the importance of mood and confidence as the foundations of, not only asset markets, but the entire social construct, and outlines how understanding this can help investors make better decisions.Jawad Mian, author of Stray Reflections joins The 2020 Hmmminar Series to talk about philosophy's place in building a market framework, the end of the Silicon Valley bubble, Middle Eastern politics and a Karmic Reset...Dr. Simon Ogus joins us from Hong Kong to discuss the ongoing evolution of China's place in Asia and beyond, how multinationals are preparing for a very different future post-Covid-19 and how Japan may provide many of the political and monetary keys to the region.Steve Diggle joins the Hmmminar series to talk about the volatility environment now vs 2008 and where he sees value for both traders and investors. Grant has 26 years of experience in finance on the Asian, Australian, European and U.S. markets and has held senior positions at several international investment houses.