American businesswoman Sandy Phan-Gillis was arrested in China in March 2015 and accused of spying while travelling with a business delegation from Texas. Next, Chrétien needs the funding to start the trials in Wuhan. Chrétien and Mbikay plan to join colleagues from the non-profit International Consortium on Antivirals—which Chrétien co-founded with Jeremy Carver in 2004 as a response to the SARS epidemic—in manning a 24-7 communications centre as soon as clinical trials begin.A cure, if it works, would be readily available: a Swiss manufacturer, Quercegen Pharmaceuticals, can rapidly produce doses of the drug in the hundreds of thousands. Wark stresses he doesn’t think Ottawa should factor its prisoner dilemma into its 5G decision. They spent months in solitary confinement with no hint of daylight.

When an Ebola outbreak struck West Africa in 2014, the two scientists teamed up with the National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg to test quercetin’s effectiveness on mice infected with Ebola—and found it remarkably effective. There’s no other way to say it: the two Michaels are hostages. Both detentions were seen as an act of diplomatic hostage-taking in revenge for the arrest in Canada on fraud charges of Meng Wanzhou, the chief financial officer of Huawei, a Chinese telecoms technology company with close ties to the CCP regime.It does not take over a year to put somebody on trial for the accusations leveled against the two Michaels — if you have evidence. After the RCMP arrested Huawei’s chief financial officer, Meng Wanzhou, in Vancouver in December 2018 on a U.S. extradition warrant, China retaliated less than two weeks later with the arbitrary detention of Kovrig and Spavor. Such a standard is not required because the process is only window-dressing.Instead, the Chinese police rely heavily on circumstantial evidence and hearsay and statements. There are no fresh vegetables or fruit in the diet.

A global cohort of scientists was waking up to the reality of a new generation of infections like SARS.
“If the Canadian government does ban Huawei from participating in the 5G network,” Lu Shaye, then ambassador to Canada told reporters, “then as for what kind of repercussions there will be, I am not sure. The couple were eventually convicted and only released in 2015, after GlaxoSmithKline’s China operation was found guilty of bribery by the Chinese and paid a hefty fine.The Michaels’ case must also sound familiar to Kevin and Julia Garratt, two Canadian missionaries who ran a coffee house popular with expats in the city of Dandong, across the Yalu River from North Korea. On December 10, 2018, police in Communist China kidnapped two Canadian citizens, Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig. China has repeatedly called for Meng’s release, and has warned Canada it could face consequences for aiding the United States in her case. The U.S. government seems unable or unwilling to help this hapless victim of China’s sham justice system. The truth is they are not criminal suspects but hostages, as Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi made clear in remarks earlier this year confirming these cases were a tit-for-tat for Meng’s arrest.Meng is right now enjoying the freedom of Vancouver’s lovely streets and the luxury of her own $15 million mansion there through privilege of bail in a free and open democratic society under the rule of law. They must beg to borrow one from their guards and cannot get one for more than a few minutes each week. Strong lights are kept on 24/7, causing sleep deprivation and eyesight deterioration.Detainees are not allowed to keep a pen.

This prevents them from reading any media coverage of their own case.