Members of the Democratic Party, including elected officials are continuing to embrace calls to defund and dismantle the police. The Republican Party of Louisiana is strong, principled and conservative. Founded in 1854 as a The Republican Party is fighting for a freer and stronger America where everyone has the opportunity to achieve the American Dream. The REPUBLICAN PARTY OF TEXAS Mission. All Rights Reserved. From electing Republicans up and down the ticket in 2018, to defeating Mike Madigan and his Chicago machine, we're committed to turning Illinois around. the founders.Republicans protect the American homeland by enforcing immigration laws, so that every American can feel safe in their community.President Trump rebuilt our military, crushed ISIS, and confronted rogue nations to protect America and our allies.President Trump jump-started America's economy into record growth, which created jobs and increased take-home pay for working Americans.President Trump reversed years of policies that locked up American energy and restricted our ability to sell to other countries.President Trump repealed the Obamacare individual mandate, expanded plan choices and increased competition to bring down costs.President Trump partnered with local communities and worked with local law enforcement to protect American communities.Trump Doctrine is America First, but is also based around President Trump's pragmatic, realistic, and diplomatic view of the world, which are all based on his decades of experience as an international businessman.Trump is not bound by ideology, approaches each issue on a case-by-case basis, and seeks to lead by example rather than force his way on others.
3501 North 24th Street Phoenix, AZ 85016 OPPORTUNITY. There’s no other way to describe yesterday’s House Judiciary Committee hearing with Attorney General William Barr other than a colossal failure for House Democrats. YOU MAKE VICTORY POSSIBLE . If you care about the future of our great country, come out and get involved in the future of our Republic and make a difference.

Paid for by Kansas Republican Party, Mike Kuckelman, Chair. Lincoln issued the Frustrated by the inaction of Lincoln’s Democratic successor, These Republican Reconstruction policies would solidify white Southerners’ loyalty to the Democratic Party for many decades to come.During Reconstruction, Republicans would become increasingly associated with big business and financial interests in the more industrialized North.

Paid for by Arizona Republican Party Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

President Trump has followed through on promises to cut regulations and renegotiate trade deals and to donate his salary, just to name a few. When asked about defunding the police, Rep. Jayapal took a swipe at the law enforcement community saying, “law enforcement as a whole has a culture of brutality”: REP. PRAMILA… He has tripled down on brutal enemies, while opening doors to other enemies that could make for potential future allies.It's been three years of promises made and promises kept, but we're just getting started. Today is Tax Day. The GOP was founded in 1854 by opponents of the Kansas–Nebraska Act, which allowed for the potential expansion of slavery into the western territories. No matter where you are in the Commonwealth, you can get involved with your local Republican Party! VIEW THE PARTY STRUCTURE READ THE PLATFORM.

FREEDOM. He has reinforced crucial alliances, while also making our allies more accountable.

Learn more about your 2020 Arizona Republican candidates!

The Republicans had strong support from pietistic Protestants, but they resisted demands for Prohibition. The Republican Party supported hard money (i.e. Click Here. House Democrats have not had a lot of success when they work w/ far-left groups to release vague summaries about legislation they support (see: Green New Deal, Sunrise Movement, farting cows). Founded in 1919 as the German Workers’ Party, the group promoted German pride The initials synonymous with the Republican Party—“GOP”—stand for “grand old party.” As early as the 1870s, politicians and newspapers began to refer to the Republican Party as both the “grand old party” and the “gallant old party” to emphasize its role in preserving the Union The Boston Tea Party was a political protest that occurred on December 16, 1773, at Griffin’s Wharf in Boston, Massachusetts.

Though America’s Founding Fathers distrusted political parties, it wasn’t long before divisions developed among them. Click Here. We want to represent every facet of American society, not by patronage but by principle, and not by dividing interests but by serving the good of all. The Whigs The Federalist Party originated in opposition to the Democratic-Republican Party in America during President George Washington’s first administration.
60135,60145,60146,60150,60178 epidemic.

The 2020 Election? The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement is a federal law enforcement agency. FREEDOM. Dear Friends, This resource will provide you with the latest news and information about the 2020 Republican National Convention. the gold standard), high tariffs to promote economic growth, high wages and high profits, generous pensions for Union veterans, and (after 1893) the annexation of Hawaii. Throughout the course of the 116th Congress, they have introduced legislation that would strip Americans’ hard-earned… After the Civil War, the party dominated in the South due to its opposition to civil and political rights for African Americans. Founded in 1854 as a coalition opposing the extension of slavery into Western territories, the Republican Party fought to protect the rights of African Americans after the Civil War. The president of the United States appoints the members of the Supreme Court. Today’s GOP is generally socially conservative, and favors smaller government, less regulation, lower taxes and less federal intervention in the economy.

The border wall system supports USBP's ability to impede and deny illegal border crossings. House Democrats Want to Raise Your Taxes He carefully picks and chooses which nations to be harsh towards and which nations to be more welcoming with.