But others did not, and their forcible return conflicted with the 'Cold War considerations, combined with calculation of labour requirements in industries such as mining, led Britain, Australia and other countries to grant Poles and some others permanent settlement. And other refugees from every country in eastern Europe rushed to escape from the newly installed Communist regimes.The expulsions were ... conducted in a ruthless and often brutal manner.At the Potsdam Conference in July 1945, British, American and Russian leaders agreed to '... recognise that the transfer to Germany of German populations ... remaining in Poland, Czechoslovakia and Hungary, will have to be undertaken.' Gender Gap: For every ten refugee boys in primary school, there are fewer than eight refugee girls. Since then, our work has expanded to other countries hosting Syrian refugees and into Syria. Over two million Soviet citizens were returned by the western Allies to areas under Soviet control. Some of the top reasons they cite include:The majority of Syria’s 5.6 million refugees have fled — Many Syrian children have never known a time without war. About three quarters went to the American occupation zone of Germany, and most of the remainder to the Soviet zone. Visit our website and find out how you can support us. Many children caught up in this crisis have lost family members and friends to the violence, suffered physical and psychological trauma, and had to leave school.Here are some specific ways the Syrian civil war is affecting children:If you could see through a Syrian refugee child’s eyes, what would life look like?
The end of World War Two brought in its wake the largest population movements in European history. The US Escapee Program was established in the same year, and offered sanctuary to a limited number of refugees from Communist countries. UNRRA was succeeded by the International Refugee Organisation, established in 1946; and that in turn gave way to the United Nations High Commission for Refugees in 1950. Over 100,000 Jews infiltrated to the western powers' occupation zones in Germany and Austria. War broke the social and business ties that bound neighbors to their community.The civil war has become a sectarian conflict, with religious groups opposing each other, which affects the whole region and is heavily influenced by international interventions.Indiscriminate bombing has destroyed roads, schools, and hospitals. World Refugee Year, in 1959-1960, was designed as a 'clear the camps' drive. The learning center they attend is an oasis of fun and affirmation in an insecure and deprived environment. “Children are sleeping in flooded fields with no running water or proper protection from the elements. A displaced person returns from a German prison camp “I want my children to be able to play, go to school and grow up healthy and strong,” she says. As protests spread through Syria, they were countered by strong government crackdowns and increasing violence from both government forces and protesters. Families have suffered under brutal conflict that has killed hundreds of thousands of people, torn the nation apart, and set back the standard of living by decades. The The Syrian civil war started with peaceful protests. It transported millions of former concentration-camp dwellers, forced labourers and other victims of the Nazis to countries such as France, Belgium, and Greece. World Vision provides aid to children and families in Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan, as well as World Vision has been working in the Middle East for nearly 40 years and is dedicated to improving the lives of children, families, and the communities where they live through long-term sustainable development as well as responding to disasters — both natural and man-made.World Vision quickly extended a helping hand to Syrian families who fled to Lebanon in 2011. At least half of the people affected by the Syrian refugee crisis are children.Syrians fleeing conflict in their country often leave everything behind. But many 'hard-core' refugees still remained in camps. We’ve provided blankets, heaters, and cash, but people have no money to buy fuel and have told us that they are now burning clothes and trash to keep warm,” says World Vision International President Andrew Morley.Explore facts and frequently asked questions about the Syrian civil war and resulting Syrian refugee crisis, and learn how to help Syrian refugees and displaced families within Syria.For many Syrian children, all they have known is war. European states were, in the main, too preoccupied with the sufferings of their own citizens and with the tasks of reconstruction to have much compassion to spare.