We actually have bamboo growing in one spot towards the back of our yard. This was the first site that popped up when I Please choose which areas of our service you consent to our doing so.Known as the "lucky log" because it resembles a log with no roots, a single stalk brings prosperity and longevity.

pin and tweet, much appreciated.teaches12345 it is beautiful and easy to look after, thank you.vibesites thank you for reading, they are great as gifts.I love those lucky bamboos! This can prevent you from having to throw the whole plant out.Only add fertilizer once every two months if it all.Using bottled spring water will ensure fast growth and a beautiful deep green color. I wanted to make sure I was giving them enough water. Thank you -I have always had lucky bamboo in my home. OPF Holding, LLC is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon products. "I have a bamboo plant that started turning yellow on the actual stalks of the plant. Last Updated on August 22, 2019 Disclaimer This page may include affiliate links to Amazon and other partners. Lucky bamboo is a popular Feng Shui plant. The container must have drainage holes in the bottom so that the water is not trapped in the soil, which causes root rot.Plant the Lucky Bamboo in soil, filling the container half full of potting mix. Three is considered lucky in Feng Shui.Yes, 18 stalks of Lucky Bamboo are supposed to bring prosperity.No, you will not have bad luck if your lucky bamboo plant dies.Lucky Bamboo blooms in the summer in its natural surroundings. Lucky Bamboo Care. Can I keep the plant in my home?Can the lucky bamboo plant grow in water or is soil necessary? I did not know of the Lucky Bamboo. everything I needed to know. Hunker may earn compensation through affiliate links in this story. Place pebbles in the bottom of the container to stabilize the plant.

Going to try both methods and see which has better curl definition. Whether you choose lucky bamboo because of its significance in terms of feng shui or vastu shastra, or whether you choose it simply because it's beautiful and easy to care for, you really can't go wrong with this lovely plant. I was reading up first and learned a lot. Which should I buy? "I was given a bamboo plant and caring for it for the first time. Going to try both methods and see which has better curl definition. The answer is no—even if you buy the plant for yourself, the luck will still be conveyed.According to the principles of feng shui, the positive energy of the plant differs depending on the number of stalks that are bound together.

Today I'm going to wash )Don't overwater your plant. I will forward this Hub to my neighbor who is a Bonsai fanatic. I have seen these bamboo arrangements before, but I didn't know anything about them. Lauren has worked for Aurora, Colorado managing the Water-Wise Garden at Aurora Municipal Center for the Water Conservation Department. This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional. Passing this on.cat on a soapbox thank you for stopping by and am glad my hub was informative.I am familiar with Lucky Bamboo but still learned so much from this informative hub about its care and symbolism. You can top it and bring it back down to size.To top, use a sharp, sterilized cutting tool and choose an area of the stem that is around 1″ above a growth node. I researched how to care for them, and it turns out that I killed it by over watering! Many people keep lucky bamboo plants in their homes but they may not be aware about all the details about it. !alwaysexploring thank you and curly bamboos are great.Victoria Lynn thank you for your visit, the Lucky Bamboo does not survive under direct sunlight.Jackie Lynnley thank you and yes they look great anywhere.Faith Reaper I think you are referring to the actual Bamboo plant, the Lucky Bamboo is not a Bamboo at all!Hackslap am happy that it has made a difference for you. Hopefully it will help it grow." that lucky bamboo is toxic to cats and another contributor said it was non-toxic to cats. Audreyocfireflies(Kim) thank you for reading. "I just got a bamboo plant as a gift and I knew nothing about them. Lucky Bamboo Care as it was over 2 feet long and started a new plant. Cut the side shoots as close to the main stalk as you can, then just follow the same directions as above. It is thought to bring good luck, promote harmony, and protect against negative energy.Whether you choose lucky bamboo because of its significance in terms of feng shui or vastu shastra, or whether you choose it simply because it's beautiful and easy to care for, you really can't go wrong with this lovely plant. Thank you for the info." I have a small one of these plants in my kitchen and it is such a nice delicate green. If you really can’t stand to see another ad again, then please We use cookies to make wikiHow great. Algae likes nutrient-rich water and a lot of light. Place the plant away from the direct heat of the sun, do not place the plant directly in the path of an air conditioning vent.Is it good or bad if lucky bamboo begins flowering?Why are the stalks of lucky bamboo plant yellow but leaves are green?The stalks can turn yellow if the plant receives too much sunlight, too much fertilizer, or any external injury.Yes, all plants produce oxygen during photosynthesis.Why are the leaves on my plant turning yellow? I didn't know about how lucky the bamboo is.I don't think we have it here in America, but i would love to have the curley lucky bamboos plant for the inside of my home.