In 1994, Arantes followed her to Scotland in an attempt to see his daughter.Having lost his job as a TV ­journalist, it was reported he had plunged into drug addiction.Rowling took out a restraining order on Arantes, who is still living in the old ramshackle Porto ­townhouse owned by his 90-year-old mother.Neighbours yesterday said he annoys locals by playing loud music — and the smell of cannabis often wafts out from the front door.Meanwhile, Rowling went on to sell 500million copies of her Harry Potter books.She has previously only hinted at what caused their split. Friends were suspicious of her new man, viewing him as possessive, jealous and untrustworthy.Before the wedding, they argued in a cafe and an onlooker contacted the police after Arantes reportedly pushed his fiancee.When cops arrived, Arantes was said to be in tears, crying: “Joanne, forgive me, I love you.”Arantes later said of the relationship: “We were either in heaven or hell.”The following year Jessica was born, but the marriage was over by the time she was just two months old.Rowling recalled: “I married on October, 16, 1992. Wumben? It was an intense and passionate relationship.”Rowling soon became pregnant but miscarried. Jorge Arantes told the Sun he slapped Rowling when she left him - but added "there was not sustained abuse". The Liberal Democrats called on the Sun to donate the revenue made from Friday's newspaper to Refuge - while Labour's shadow minister for domestic abuse and safeguarding, Jess Phillips, said "doubt and disbelief" benefited perpetrators of abuse.The row about Rowling's comments on transgender issues began last weekend, after she responded to a headline on an online article discussing "people who menstruate" by writing in a tweet: "I'm sure there used to be a word for those people. Arantes later said: “Immediately, there was a connection between us.Joanne could not speak any Portuguese, but my English was good. Woomud?”It sparked a furious reaction, with Rowling accused of being “anti-trans”, which she furiously denies.She said she had been trolled by trans activists and wanted to divulge her “back story” to explain how it “shapes my fears, my interests and my opinion”.When pressed last night, Arantes told The Sun: “It was a long time ago and I don’t want to talk. These are external links and will open in a new window The pair met while he was a student aged 23 in Porto, Portugal. It’s her responsibility, not mine. When asked about his response to her claims - which included that the relationship was violent - he said: "If she says that, that's up to her. JK Rowling trans row: School renames house over trans tweets Eddie Redmayne speaks out against JK Rowling's trans tweets Jorge Arantes In 1994, Arantes followed her to Scotland in an attempt to see his daughter. Jorge Arantes has rejected the author's description of their 'violent marriage' ... Mr Arantes also told The Sun: ‘There was not sustained abuse. I’m not sorry for slapping her.”But he was then quizzed about his own admission ten years ago that he had hit her on the night she left him.The former TV journalist said: “Yes. The Sun's front page headline on Friday was: "I slapped JK and I'm not sorry".Mr Arantes, who shares a daughter with Rowling from their marriage, told the paper: "Yes. The Sun said it had not intended to "glorify" domestic violence in its interview with JK Rowling's former husband Jorge Arantes "Police say the allegations relate to four separate incidents alleged to have taken place over six months. Jorge Arantes, 52, said he had not bothered to read the accusations of domestic abuse by the Harry Potter author — and he did not care. It is true I slapped her. But I didn't abuse her."

"However, the scars left by violence and sexual assault don’t disappear, no matter how loved you are, and no matter how much money you’ve made.”Rowling decided to move to Porto after her mother died in December 1990.She taught English and was writing Harry Potter — then met Arantes in a bar one evening in 1992.The journalism student recalled: “This girl with the most amazing blue eyes walked in.”The scars left by violence and sexual assault don’t disappear.The pair swapped numbers that night and were soon dating. Wumben? But I didn’t abuse her.”Women’s Aid offers confidential help and advice via Live Chat, email and on its forum.She also said that she had been sexually assaulted — though did not identify the attacker.Rowling had never previously spoken publicly about her ordeals in a bid to protect Jessica, now 27.Her comments had sparked a fierce backlash where she was accused of being “anti-trans” — with I THINK she’s incredibly brave to speak out about it.Obviously this is something she’s been living with for a long time as a victim of physical and sexual abuse.It must be very difficult for her to speak out about it because it will still be very painful for her even after all these years.Domestic abuse is something that can impact everyone and people will be surprised that someone like JK Rowling was a victim of it.It shows it can happen to anyone and how common a problem it is.Responding to the criticism, Rowling opened up in a lengthy and emotional post online.She wrote: “I’ve been in the public eye now for over twenty years and have never talked publicly about being a domestic abuse and sexual assault survivor.“This isn’t because I’m ashamed those things happened to me, but because they’re traumatic to revisit and remember.“I’m mentioning these things now not in an attempt to garner sympathy, but out of solidarity with the huge numbers of women who have histories like mine, who’ve been slurred as bigots for having concerns around single-sex spaces.”Rowling, now happily married to Neil Murray, continued: “I managed to escape my first violent marriage with some difficulty.“But I’m now married to a truly good and principled man, safe and secure in ways I never in a million years expected to be. Wimpund? Jorge Arantes is JK Rowling's first husband and is the father of her 27-year-old daughter.

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What she says is up to her. A subhead reads "Sun … He is a former Portuguese TV reporter but it is not clear what he does now.