In Norse Sagasby SkjaldenApril 22, 2018. Check out Britannica's new site for parents!

Try entering just the first three or four letters. Consider donating a few pennies to the During that visit Thor went fishing with Hymir and caught the monstrous World Serpent. As the first giant, he’s the ancestor of all of the other giants – and, since almost all of the gods are partially descended from giants, he’s …

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The giant's fair wife told him to strike it against her husband's head while he is weary with food, for his skull is harder than any crystal goblet. We know not how. Recall that Ymir’s name means “Screamer” (from the Old Norse verb The metaphor is completed by the description of the act of creation in the Old Norse poem Looking for more great information on Norse mythology and religion? But Hymir said that Thor would be of little help to him, being so small and a youth, 'And thou wilt freeze, if I stay so long and so far out as I am wont.'

Then Thor put the ox-head on the hook and cast it overboard, and the hook went to the bottom; and it is telling thee the truth to say that then Thor beguiled the Midgard Serpent no less than Útgarda-Loki had mocked Thor, at the time when he lifted up the Serpent in his hand.The Midgard Serpent snapped at the ox-head, and the hook caught in its jaw; but when the Serpent was aware of this, it dashed away so fiercely that both Thor's fists crashed against the gunwale. Not sure of the spelling? He has several daughters. In Lokasenna (Loki's Flyting) and Skáldskaparmál (The Language of Poetry), Gymir is given by Snorri Sturluson as an alternative name for the divine personification of the sea Ægir. Thor goes fishing with the Giant Hymir.

Search Britannica Various other creation myths from other peoples have used a hermaphroditic being to illustrate this same concept,Ymir’s name provides an additional – and rather poetic – instantiation of this role as the personification of primordial chaos.

As one of the poems in the Thematically, Ymir is the personification of the chaos before creation, which is also depicted as the impersonal void of Ginnungagap. Audhumla received her nourishment from a salt lick, and as she licked, a being named Buri, the first of the The divine brothers then slew Ymir and fashioned the cosmos from his corpse.

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He heaved it upon his head and the handles banged against his heels.

In Hymiskviða, he is portrayed as the father of Týr (in other sources, Odin is Tyr's father and Hymir his maternal-grandfather -- but all agree that Tyr and Hymir are related).

Found this site useful? This Thor did, and the goblet shattered into pieces.Hymir gave Thor and Týr his cauldron, lamenting its loss. The American-Scandinavian Foundation, New York.

The Vikings are no different.

Please mention when praying to the Gods.

Hymir howled with laughter at his futile efforts until Thor dashed the cup on Hymir ’s head, the only thing hard enough crack it. Features

© Daniel McCoy 2012-2019. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. The first of the Frost Giants, formed from the dripping drops of icy Chaos in Niflheim at the beginning of the world.
In Norse mythology, Hymir is a giant, husband of the giantess Hroðr and according to the Eddic poem Hymiskviða the father of the god Týr (in other sources, Odin is Tyr's father and Hymir his maternal-grandfather -- but all sources agree that Tyr and Hymir are related).

Hymir is a jötunn in Norse mythology, and the owner of a brewing-cauldron fetched by the thunder-god Thor for Ægir, who wants to hold a feast for the Æsir (gods).

First of all, a mysterious Second, his legs gave birth to a son.