Fevers fight disease by stimulating the immune system and slowing the growth of bacteria and viruses. Thoroughly wash your hands and the sink where you washed the thermometer; cat feces can contain many harmful bacteria. For example, a cat locked in a car on a warm day is at great risk of developing hyperthermia. Thank you.Please share the name and location of this vet so as the rest of general population have a heads up and a bit of history.

She enjoys photography, gardening and running in her spare time.Please help me. A temperature of 105 degrees Fahrenheit is a dangerous level and your cat should be seen by a veterinarian immediately.

I took my cat to he vet as I was informed he had mild renal disease. Don't fear. Suitable inexpensive mercury thermometers are available from most drug stores. However, taking your pet's temperature can be a scary thought, especially when you've never done it before. When it beeps to let you know it has a reading, release your cat and record the temperature. "Very descriptive and easy to follow info." If you are nervous about using this type of thermometer, it’s best to leave it to your vet.When taking a cat’s temperature, it helps if you tilt the cat’s body so that it is resting on its front legs, with its hindquarters raised.You should be careful not to drop the thermometer, because mercury is poisonous and can be absorbed into the body through the skin. Can I take a cat's temperature without a thermometer for the butt or ear?Why does the thermometer take the temperature by inserting it into the cat's rectum? Ear thermometers designed specifically for cats can also give a fairly accurate temperature reading. Then, hold the cat’s head and gently insert the digital ear thermometer into the its ear canal, keeping the thermometer horizontal to the ear. It sounds like he's definitely sick, and you should take him to a vet. Don’t force the thermometer in at an angle because there could be a risk of damaging the rectal wall. For health-related questions, always consult your veterinarian, as they have examined your pet, know the pet's health history, and can make the best recommendations for your pet. Gather your supplies. If the reading is below 99° F or above 104° F, call … She has worked at the same animal clinic in her hometown for over 20 years. Contact your Shake the thermometer firmly until it drops to 96°F (35.5C). Take your cat’s temperature. There's a lot you need to know to make things go smoothly with your new friend. "Our cats temp was 100.8. Thanks." Watch your cat for certain behaviors that can accompany a fever. Take your cat’s temperature. To take your cat’s temperature by ear, start by finding someone to help you help keep your cat still and calm while you take its temperature. Makes it easier and clean! Keep it in for three minutes, withdraw and check the reading. It forms into little globules however, which make it easier to clean up after an accident, rather than flowing like a typical liquid.Once the thermometer is inserted into your cat’s body, you should not let go of it. Rotating the bulb gently should help it to pass through these obstructions. Take your cat’s temperature. You will need a thermometer, lubricant (e.g., petroleum jelly or K-Y), alcohol and paper towels, and a cat treat. Just like us, they can be allergic to substances such as tree pollen, grass pollen, molds, mildews, and dust mites. Many cats dislike having their temperature taken, but this plays a vital part in checking on their state of health, particularly if a fever is suspected. A pediatric rectal thermometer is the most accurate method for taking a cat’s temperature. You will need a thermometer, lubricant (e.g., petroleum jelly or K-Y), alcohol and paper towels, and a cat treat.

Lubricate the bulb tip with a little petroleum jelly, lift the base of the … Plus, we'll also give you some tips and a guide on how to use and choose the best pet thermometer for your furry friend. Have you tried all of the methods in the article? Grabbing the cat by the scruff or using a clip to hold that area (see to let me take a rectal reading, but I may get results from an ear reading. Is the cat’s body temperature the same over its entire body?No, the temperature being measured by the thermometer is its core body temperature. Your cat's normal rectal temperature is 100.5 to 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit. Move gently at all times, and be sure to use adequate lubricant.n ordinary human mercury thermometer is traditionally used for taking a cat’s temperature, although electronic readers are now increasingly preferred in veterinary practices. "The illustrations are very helpful, combined with the clearly written instructions."