I found out I was pregnant early at 10 dpo, I didnt really have any symptoms just tired and crampy, but now at 5 weeks PG I dont have any symptoms at all! This time I am much more relaxed! They just missed their period. I have another beta test tomorrow but I am just so stressed out...Please try not to worry, as A Kiss said, many women have not yet realised by 5 weeks that they are pregnant. Try not to worry I'm sure everything will be fine.Oh, thank goodness! Mild cramps and abdominal discomfort are not unusual in pregnancy.Yes, it’s okay if you don’t get all symptoms every time of the day. Heartburn is a common pregnancy symptom. With lots of crap online, I Hope to quickly give reliable information about health. But nothing else. I have to inject myself with Progesterone in Oil every night and I am taking so many meds. I wish I had never bloody well done it. … To be a little more precise, it is common for pregnancy symptoms to come and go in the first 8 weeks. 5 weeks pregnant but no symptoms - should I worry? Please share your … Apart from my boobs being a little sore I am having no other symptoms of being pregnant and its really starting to worry me.

If you are indeed pregnant, symptoms will definitely show in few days time.If you’ve already tested positive for pregnancy, it means your body’s HCG hormone is sufficient enough to be detected.On the other hand, vaginal bleeding with clots at five weeks without symptoms of pregnancy is a sign you are having a miscarriage.A lot of women that are pregnant may not even know when a miscarriage occurs. The truth is, it’s possible.While it’s feasible some women will not get symptoms till a later date, others will not even recognize pregnancy symptoms.One of my readers (Name Withheld) sent me a mail and asking why she is six weeks into her pregnancy without having any symptoms.Here are common symptoms you will get if pregnant at five weeksThis is could easily be seen and ignored as an early period. If a test is read after a very long time, you may see a faint line when you are not actually pregnant.Also, drugs for allergies and cold, promethazine may cause high HCG hormone.About 1 out of 10 identified pregnancies will end up in a miscarriage.If you already had any of these symptoms and you don’t feel pregnant anymore, there is a chance you are having a miscarriage.If you experience cramping pain in your abdomen, that’s a pregnancy sign especially after you’ve missed your period.It’s best to take a pregnancy test if you’ve not confirmed pregnancy. When is your scan?I know nothing of ivf but I never really had any symptoms when I was pregnant except the lack of a period. Enjoy feeling healthy!I think we worry because being pg seems like such a big deal we can't quite believe we wouldn't feel different straight away. Congratulations you must be very excited Hi, Malibu Stacey, and congrats on your pregnancy and great HCG level! This is because, as your baby attaches to the endometrium, it causes bleeding and mixes with your discharge.Don’t forget, your five weeks pregnancy means you’ve missed period for a week now. It was more reassuring to me than no symptoms, so I didn’t mind a little nausea.This also will be around the time when you will get your first ultrasound. Research says it could be as high as 50 percent in the first three months of pregnancy.This article explains the reasons you are five weeks pregnant with no symptoms, what to do, and when it’s important you talk to a doctor.If you are five weeks pregnant and not yet having signs of pregnancy, these are possible reasonsYou are probably wondering if it’s possible you will be pregnant without having pregnancy symptoms. I've got beta envy at the moment. !I know no 2 pregnancy's are the same but when I was PG with my daughter I had very sore boobs and nipples and this time I have nothing. just wanted to eat a lot and my boobs got sore! 5.4 weeks is still quite early for symptoms so I would try not to worry (easier said than done I know) Hopefully you will hear from the epu soon, they didn't scan me till 8 weeks so you may have a few more weeks wait! These hormones are the reason why you get pregnancy symptom in the first place.Pregnancy symptoms may occur very early in some women before they miss their period. But wait, you are not having any symptoms of pregnancy and confused if you are actually pregnant.However, there are other reasons you could get a positive test without being pregnant.If you are a week past your period now and yet to confirm pregnancy, it’s important you get a test right away. I have 5 postive pregnancy … Take a deep breath and believe it! I had a miscarriage 4 months ago so i am a bit worry about this pregnancy. But everybody's beta is higher than mine. Unfortunately there’s nothing you can do at this point to confirm the pregnancy until the baby is large enough to detect a heartbeat (at 6 weeks). To be honest after my positive result I felt Sorry I forgot to say congratulations. I never had sore boobs, bleeding, or persistent pain. A bit low, but still definitely pregnant.As it's IVF will they be giving you an early scan? since I found out I was pregnant at 13dpo I tested every day for a week then every other day for another week and the lines kept getting darker. I keep reading on websites that I should be peeing more, feeling sick and tired by now. Thanks girls. Page 1 of 2 1 2 Next > aferrell7185 Well-Known Member. My sickness didn't kick in till just over 6.5 weeks, and started to feel really tired a bit before.

Are you pregnant at 5 weeks with no symptoms and wondering if everything is progressing correctly with your baby? No sickness, no sore or swollen breast only alittle tender if I poke them. I'm getting gurgling - much like rumbling - in my belly throughout the day. Just over 5 weeks pregnant, no symptoms, miscarriage about 3 months ago at 6 weeks. So finding out I was 25 weeks pregnant and had had no symptoms was a bit of a shock! You may also begin to see stretch marks on your breast as they continue to grow.If you are yet to get these changes, you don’t have to worry.